Andrew Clarke, Specialist Registrar in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital – Peninsula Deanery.
Alwyn Jones, MB Ch B, MSc (Orthopaedic Engineering), FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), Consultant Spinal Surgeon, University of Wales Hospital, Cardiff, UK.
Michael O »Malley, MB Ch B, MSc (Orthopaedic engineering), FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics). Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Warrington Hospital. Has a specialist interest spinal surgery and was the British Orthopaedic Association Spinal Fellow at Queen »s Medical Centre, Nottingham.
Robert Mc Laren, General Practitioner with specialist interest in Musculo-skeletal Medicine.
6 Ebooks par Michael O Malley
Andrew Clarke & Alwyn Jones: ABC of Spinal Disorders
Spinal problems are one of the most common presentations confronting general practitioners. GPs see over 5 million patients per year in relation to back pain alone. It is one of the most common cause …
Michael O’Malley & William F. Baker: Organizations for People
For many years, there has been quite a bit of talk about employee engagement as a means to lift corporate profits and reduce absenteeism and turnover. However, this talk has not produced better compa …
William H. Baker & Michael O’Malley: Every Leader Is an Artist: How the World’s Greatest Artists Can Make You a More Creative Leader
Make Every Business Day Your Masterpiece Every Leader Is an Artist makes the compelling case that many of the attributes that make a person a great leader are actually those that make someone a super …
Petitpas Alexandre Petitpas & Trudel Brigitte Trudel: Continuité. No. 151, Hiver 2017
Les toponymes servent, bien sûr, à situer et à orienter. Mais s’ils constituent un patrimoine, c’est parce qu’ils ont pour autre objectif de témoigner, de commémorer. Ils parlent du territoire et rap …
James W. Cook & Lawrence B. Glickman: Cultural Turn in U. S. History
A definitive account of one of the most dominant trends in recent historical writing, The Cultural Turn in U.S. History takes stock of the field at the same time as it showcases exemplars of its prac …
Michael O’Malley: Wisdom of Bees
‘It seemed to me that the bees were working on the very same kinds of problems we are trying to solve. How can large, diverse groups work together harmoniously and productively? Perhaps we could take …