This book sheds light on the emerging research trends in intelligent systems and their applications. It mainly focuses on four different themes, including Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Information Security and Networking, Medical Informatics, and Advances in Information Systems. Each chapter contributes to the aforementioned themes by discussing the recent design, developments, and modifications of intelligent systems and their applications.
Table des matières
Chapter1: ANN-based reference evapotranspiration estimation: effects of data normalization and parameters selection.- Chapter 2: Trend analysis of the effects of climate change on pan evaporation rates in Sabah, Malaysia.- Chapter 3: Cow Image Segmentation Using Mask R-CNN Integrated with Grabcut.- Chapter 4: Forecasting of Reservoir Inflow using machine learning – case study: Klang Gate Dam Reservoir.- Chapter 5: Automatic Bilingual Arabic/French Terminology Extraction.- Chapter 6: Research on Improving E-commerce Logistics Service Customer Satisfaction through Application of AGV in Intelligent Warehouse.- Chapter 7: Analyzing Tweet data to identify the impact of demonetarization.- Chapter 8: Qualitative Study in Natural Language Processing: Text Classification.- Chapter 9: Heterogeneous Neural Collaborative Filtering for a Business Recommender System.