Auteur: Nancy R. Mudrick

Nancy R. Mudrick, M.S.W., Ph.D., is professor in the School of Social Work, David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, Syracuse University. Her Ph.D. is in social policy from the Florence Heller School for Advanced Studies in Social Welfare, Brandeis University. Dr. Mudrick teaches courses in U.S. social welfare policy, mental health policy, research methodology, program evaluation, and international comparison of social work services. Her research publications address disability issues and policy in the areas of social welfare provision, civil rights, health, and employment. Her current research examines health policy and health care access for people with disabilities.Since 1997 Dr. Mudrick has collaborated with the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) on a number of projects. Among these projects are evaluations of federal agency enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Air Carriers Access Act, and Part B of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, conducted with a contract from the National Council on Disability (the reports can be found on the NCD website). In 2008 she was part of the DREDF-led project funded by the NCD that produced the frequently cited report The Current State of Health Care for People with Disabilities (2009). The most recent collaboration with DREDF produced a publication that reports on the physical accessibility and presence of accessible equipment for patients with disabilities using data from on-site reviews of primary care doctors’ offices in California. Future work aims to measure programmatic accessibility of health care for persons with disabilities. Her other health care–relateddisability research and publication has been conducted with colleagues at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse and Central New York human services agencies.In addition to disability research, Dr. Mudrick has engaged in federally funded program evaluation and training for social workers in child welfare. She has been a principal investigator (PI), co-PI, or subcontractor on several federal grants in this area. Most recently she was the co-PI of a large 5-year curriculum development and training grant from the Administration for Children and Families that focused on developing skills for social workers and marriage and family therapists to support healthy parental relationships for the welfare of children.From 2002 to 2006 Dr. Mudrick was head of her department as director of the School of Social Work. She is on the editorial board of the Disability and Health Journal and the Journal of Disability Policy Studies. She is a longtime member of the Disability Section of the American Public Health Association, the Society for Disability Studies, and the National Association of Social Workers. In Syracuse she is a member of the board of directors of two Central New York human services agencies.

2 Ebooks par Nancy R. Mudrick

Margaret A. Turk & Nancy R. Mudrick: Rehabilitation Interventions
This volume in The SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores issues involving rehabilitation interventions and therapies. It is one of eight volumes in the cross-disciplinary and issues-based seri …
Nancy R. Mudrick & Margaret A. Turk: Rehabilitation Interventions
This volume in The SAGE Reference Series on Disability explores issues involving rehabilitation interventions and therapies. It is one of eight volumes in the cross-disciplinary and issues-based seri …