This engaging, informative book makes an exciting contribution to current discussions about the challenges and uses of contemporary autoethnography. Authors from a range of disciplines ‘show and tell’ us how they have created autoethnographies, demonstrating a rich blend of theories, ethical research practices, and performances of identities and voice, linking all of those with the socio-cultural forces that impact and shape the person. The book will be a useful resource for new and experienced researchers; academics who teach and supervise post-graduate students; and practitioners in social science who are seeking meaningful ways to conduct research. This should be required reading for all qualitative research training.
Table des matières
Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction: Storying Life and Lives; 2. When We Got to the Top of Elm Grove; 3. Writing Teaching and Survival in Mental Health: A Discordant Quintet for One; 4. Cultural Constraints: Experiencing Same-Sex Attraction in Sport and Dance; 5. Leaving the Blood in: Experiences with an Autoethnographic Doctoral Thesis; 6. A Truth Waiting for a Telling; 7. An Englishman Abroad: An Autoethnographic Tale; 8. Ash Wednesdays: An Autoethnography of (Not) Counselling; 9. Assemblage/Ethnography: Troubling Constructions of Self in the Play of Materiality and Representation; 10. Writing Forms of Fiction: Glimpses on the Essence of Self; 11. Didn’t You Used To Be …?; 12. Artifi cial Persons and the Academy: A Story; 13. Autoethnography at the Will of the Body: Refl ections on a Failure to Produce on Time; 14. The Evocative Autoethnographic I: The Relational Ethics of Writing about Oneself; 15. CODA; Editorial Team/Contributing Authors.