OSCAR WILLIAM WINZERLING (1896-1989) a Roman Catholic priest and educator, received his Ph.D. in history from the University of California-Berkeley, where he worked under Lawrence Kinnaird. A native of Acadiana, CARL A. BRASSEAUX has authored more than thirty books on French North America. He retired from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 2010.
2 Ebooks par Oscar W. Winzerling
Oscar W. Winzerling: Acadian Odyssey
First published in 1955, Oscar Winzerling’s Acadian Odyssey has remained unsurpassed as a study of the exodus of 1755. Following their eviction from Nova Scotia by the English, many hundreds of Acadi …
Oscar W. Winzerling: Acadian Odyssey
First published in 1955, Oscar Winzerling’s Acadian Odyssey has remained unsurpassed as a study of the exodus of 1755.Following their eviction from Nova Scotia by the English, many hundreds of Acadia …