Muhammad M. M. Abdel Latif, Institute of Educational Studies, Cairo University, Egypt Andrew Atkins, Kinki University in Osaka, Japan Philip Shigeo Brown, Konan Women »s University, Japan Junko Matsuzaki Carreira, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan Andrew Finch, Teachers » College of Kyungpook National University, Korea Sue Fraser, Seisen Jogakuin College and Shinshu University, Japan Carol Goldfus, Levinsky College of Education, Israel Mu He, Chongqing Normal University, P.R. China Steven Herder, Doshisha Women »s College of Liberal Arts in Kyoto, Japan Tomohito Ishikawa, Soka Women »s College, Japan Steven Kirk, University of Tokyo, Japan Theron Muller, University of Toyama, Japan Tim Murphey, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan Paul Nation, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Sakae Onoda, Kanda University of International Studies, Japan Jason Peppard, Yamagata University, Japan Michael Rost, Teacher Trainer, USA Gregory Sholdt, Kobe University in Japan Ya-Chin Tsai, National Chiayi University, Taiwan Rob Waring, Notre Dame Seishin University in Okayama, Japan.
6 Ebooks par P. Brown
T. Muller & J. Adamson: Exploring EFL Fluency in Asia
In EFL contexts, an absence of chances to develop fluency in the language classroom can lead to marked limitations in English proficiency. This volume explores fluency development from a number of di …
P. Brown: Poison at the Source
An examination of a number of English women novelists who portrayed the crises and conflicts in the development of the female consciousness as a response to the anomalies of the rapidly changing worl …
P. Brown & H. Lauder: Capitalism and Social Progress
Why are America and Britain wealthier than ever but millions of children live in poverty, neighbourhoods want for basic amenities and the middle classes fear for their families, jobs and futures? The …
P. Brown & I. Masser: Spatial Representation and Spatial Interaction
In recent years the development of spatial referencing techniques in com- puter-based information systems has enormously increased the opportuni- ties that exist for the treatment and presentation of …
P. Brown & K Stevens: Nanofibers and Nanotechnology in Textiles
Nanotechnology is revolutionising the world of materials. This important book reviews its impact in developing a new generation of textile fibers with enhanced functionality and a wide range of appli …
Pam Brown & Clare Hambling: Fast Facts: Type 2 Diabetes
‘Fast Facts: Type 2 Diabetes provides a practical overview of this increasingly common health condition. Written by and for health professionals working in primary care, this colourful and accessible …