There are relatively few women in senior executive positions and on the boards of major companies. Based upon research and in the context of contemporary management debates the authors argue the business case for promoting women to these positions in order to create more value for shareholders. The book draws upon interviews with chairpersons and chief executives and includes case study material.
Table des matières
Introduction The Customer is Queen Companies are Kingdoms Conversations with Kings The view from Marzipan Bridging the Gap A Woman’s Touch The Heads and Their Hunters Priming the Pipeline From Strategy to Culture Any Other Business A Note on Method
A propos de l’auteur
PENINAH THOMSON is a Senior Executive Coach and a Director of Praesta Partners LLP.
JACEY GRAHAM is Managing Partner of Brook Graham LLP, a strategic diversity consultancy and formerly Head of Diversity Strategy and Planning at Shell International.
Both authors are co-founders of Women Directors on Boards, a UK consortium for action and change and an influential group of women in senior positions in government, academia and large companies. They are also co-founders of the FTSE-100 Cross Company Mentoring Programme.