This collection of new essays re-examines and evaluates central themes in the work of Ralph Miliband, a leading contributor to Marxist political theory in twentieth century. It provides an essential reference point for research within the Marxist tradition, and a valuable resource for students on a range of courses in political and social theory.
Table des matières
Preface; L.Panitch Introduction; C.Barrow, P.Wetherly & P.Burnham Ralph Miliband and the New Left; M.Newman Parliamentary Socialism, Labourism and Beyond; P.Burnham On Moving on from ‘Moving On’: Miliband, Marxism and Politics; P.Blackledge Ralph Miliband and the Instrumentalist Theory of the State: The (Mis)Construction of An Analytic Concept; C.Barrow Can Capitalists Use The State To Serve Their General Interests?; P.Wetherly Dialogue of the Deaf: Some Reflections on the Poulantzas-Miliband Debate; B.Jessop ‘Miliband and the Withering Away of the State’; J.Hoffman Theorizing the Unexceptional US Welfare State; J.Manley The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan: Environmental Groups or Business Dominance?; G.A.Gonzales Conclusion: Miliband for a Sceptical Age?; P.Wetherly, C.Barrow & P.Burnham
A propos de l’auteur
PAUL BLACKLEDGE Senior Lecturer in Politics, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK GEORGE A. GONZALEZ Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Miami, USA JOHN HOFFMAN Retired Professor of Political Theory, University of Leicester, UK BOB JESSOP Professor of Sociology and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Lancaster University, UK JOHN F. MANLEY Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Stanford University, USA MICHAEL NEWMAN Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration Studies and Professor of Politics, London Metropolitan University, UK LEO PANITCH Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy, York University, Toronto, Canada