Auteur: Peter Comba

The editors (SP de Visser and D Kumar) have been involved in studies of enzymatic systems such as heme enzymes like the cytochromes P450, peroxidases and catalases as well as on nonheme enzyme systems. These studies are at the forefront of chemistry and focus on short-lived species in enzymes and biomimetic complexes. Thus, for instance, the active oxidant of P450 enzymes is elusive and experimental studies gave conflicting results regarding what the active oxidant was. The studies of de Visser and Kumar and co-workers established what the active species of these enzymes is and ruled out many suggested alternative oxidants. They established a two-state-reactivity scenario for heme and nonheme iron(IV)-oxo oxidants that masquerades as multiple oxidants. Further studies established reaction mechanisms for the production of (unwanted) by-products and showed how these can be prevented. Recent collaborative work of de Visser and Kumar established a general trend for substrate hydroxylation reactions by the cytochromes P450 and explained the mechanism via a valence bond curve crossing model. De Visser and Kumar have published more than 100 scientific publications in high-impact journals and as a consequence are regular speakers and scientific meetings and conferences.

9 Ebooks par Peter Comba

Devesh Kumar & Samuel P de Visser: Iron-Containing Enzymes
There are many mononuclear iron containing enzymes in nature that utilize molecular oxygen and transfer one or both oxygen atoms of O2 to substrates. These enzymes catalyze many processes including t …
Peter Comba & Trevor W. Hambley: Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds
Molecular Modeling hat sich in vielen Bereichen der Chemie bereits als äußerst nützlich für die Berechnung komplexer Strukturen erwiesen. Die zweite Auflage dieses vielbeachteten Buches zeigt, wie si …
Peter Comba & Trevor W. Hambley: Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds
Molecular Modeling hat sich in vielen Bereichen der Chemie bereits als äußerst nützlich für die Berechnung komplexer Strukturen erwiesen. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie sich diese Methode auch für Problemste …
Bodo Martin & Peter Comba: Molecular Modeling of Inorganic Compounds
After the second edition introduced first density functional theory aspects, this third edition expands on this topic and offers unique practice in molecular mechanics calculations and DFT. In additi …
Peter Comba: Modeling of Molecular Properties
Molecular modeling encompasses applied theoretical approaches and computational techniques to model structures and properties of molecular compounds and materials in order to predict and / or interpr …
Peter Comba: Modeling of Molecular Properties
Molecular modeling encompasses applied theoretical approaches and computational techniques to model structures and properties of molecular compounds and materials in order to predict and / or interpr …
Peter Comba: Structure and Function
The art of chemistry is to thoroughly understand the properties of molecular compounds and materials and to be able to prepare novel compounds with p- dicted and desirable properties. The basis for p …
Jan C.A. Boeyens & Peter Comba: Electronic Structure and Number Theory
The series Structure and Bonding publishes critical reviews on topics of research concerned with chemical structure and bonding. The scope of the series spans the entire Periodic Table and addresses …
Lucia Banci & Peter Comba: Molecular Modeling and Dynamics of Bioinorganic Systems
A unique selection of papers on the most recent progress in the modelling of biological molecules containing metal ions. New approaches and techniques in this field are allowing researchers to discus …