Developments in Social Work with Offenders explains the organisational and legislative changes that have occurred in social work and probation across the UK in the past 10 years, in the context of the accumulating body of knowledge about what constitutes effective practice in the assessment, supervision and management of offenders in the community.
Three different aspects of working with offenders are covered: developments in policy; assessment, supervision and intervention; and issues and needs. Contributions from experts in the field discuss issues such as community `punishment’, case management, accreditation and resettlement. The continuing concern with promoting evidence-based solutions to crime is addressed, and this book will assist professionals working with offenders with making focused interventions supported by research.
This book will be essential reading for students of social work and probation and criminology, probation officers and social workers.
Table des matières
1. Introduction and Overview. Gill Mc Ivor, Lancaster University, and Peter Raynor, University of Wales, Swansea. Part 1: Developments in Policy. 2. New Labour’s Youth Justice: A Critical Assessment of the First Two Terms. Barry Goldson, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Liverpool. 3. Youth Justice: Developments in Scotland for the Twenty-First Century. Bill Whyte, University if Edinburgh. 4. Adult Offenders: Policy Developments in England and Wales. Sam Lewis, Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds. 5. Developments in Probation in Scotland. Gill Mc Ivor, Lancaster University, and Fergus Mc Neil, University of Glasgow. 6. Youth and Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland. Tim Chapman, Independent Consultant, Youth Justice, and David O’Mahoney, Durham University. 7. Accreditation. Sue Rex, National Offender Management Service, and Peter Raynor, University of Wales, Swansea. Part 2: Assessment, Supervision and Intervention. 8. Risk and Need Assessment. Jim Bonta, Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, Canada, and Stephen Wormith, University of Saskatchewan. 9. Programmes for Probationers. James Mc Guire, University of Liverpool. 10. Case Managing Offenders within a Motivational Framework. Frank Porporino and Elizabeth Fabiano, T3 Associates. 11. Pro-Social Modelling. Chris Trotter, Monash University, Melbourne. 12. Giving Up and Giving Back: Desistance, Generativity and Social Work with Offenders. Fergus Mc Neill, University of Glasgow and Shadd Maruna, Queen’s University, Belfast. 13. Restorative justice. Gwen Robinson, School of Law, University of Sheffield. 14. Paying Back – Unpaid Work by Offenders. Gill Mc Ivor, Lancaster University. Part 3: Issues and Needs. 15. Developments in Work with Drug Using Offenders. Iain Crow, University of Sheffield. 16. Dealing with Diversity. Loraine Gelsthorpe, Institute of Criminology, University of Cambridge. 17. The Resettlement of Prisoners in England and Wales: Learning from History and Research. Maurice Vanstone, Centre for Criminal Justice and Criminology, University of Wales, Swansea. 18. Postcript: Opportunities and Threats. Peter Raynor, University of Wales, Swansea. The Contributors. Subject index. Author index.
A propos de l’auteur
Gill Mc Ivor, Ph D is Professor of Criminology at the University of Lancaster. She is the author of Working with Offenders and Women who Offend, and co-author of Managing Sex Offender Risk, all published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Peter Raynor, Ph D is Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Swansea University, and has authored several books on social work and criminal justice.