Auteur: R. Gropas

Nikiforos Diamandouros, University of Athens, Greece Thalia Dragonas, University of Athens, Greece George Katrougalos, University of Thrace, Greece Manos Matsaganis, Athens University, Greece Maria Petmesidou, University of Thrace, Greece Ioannis A. Tassopoulos, University of Athens, Greece Loukas Tsoukalis, University of Athens, Greece Yanis Varoufakis, University of Athens, Greece Stavros Zoumboulakis, Artos Zoes Foundation of Biblical and Theological Studies, Greece

1 Ebooks par R. Gropas

Anna Triandafyllidou & Hara Kouki: The Greek Crisis and European Modernity
This collection explores the current economic and political crisis in Greece and more widely in Europe. Greece is used to illustrate and exemplify the contradictions of the dominant paradigm of …