This volume is based on the research papers presented in the 4th Computer Science On-line Conference.
The volume Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Control Theory presents new approaches and methods to real-world problems, and in particular, exploratory research that describes novel approaches in the field of cybernetics and automation control theory. Particular emphasis is laid on modern trends in selected fields of interest. New algorithms or methods in a variety of fields are also presented.
The Computer Science On-line Conference (CSOC2015) is intended to provide an international forum for discussions on the latest high-quality research results in all areas related to Computer Science.
The addressed topics are the theoretical aspects and applications of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligences, Cybernetics, Automation Control Theory and Software Engineering.
Table des matières
Extraction of referential Heading-Entries in Recognized Table of Contents Pages.- Correlation Coefficient Analysis of Centrality Metrics for Complex Network Graphs.-Models Adaptation of Complex Technicalorganizational Systems Structure-Dynamics Control.- Electronic Computing Equipment Schemes Elements Placement Based on Hybrid Intelligence Approach.- Trends in the Sensor Development.- Stability Analysis for Families of Spherical Polynomials.- Algebraic Methods in Autotuning Design: Theory and Design.- Algebraic methods in Autotuning Design: Implementation and Simulations.- Extension of the PPSA to Neutral TDS: A Case Study.- Web Application for LTI Systems Analysis.- Predictive Control of Systems with Fast Dynamics Using Computational Reduction Based on Feedback Control Information.- The Methods of Testing and Possibility to overcome the Protection against Sabotage of Analog Intrusion Alarm Systems.-Universal System Developed for Usage in Analog Intrusion Alarm Systems.- Embedded Supervisory Control And Output Reporting for the Oscillating Ultrasonic Temperature Sensors.- Impact of Base Station Location on Wireless Sensor Networks.- A New Implementation of High Resolution Video Encoding Using the HEVC Standard.- A Virtual Simulation of the Image Based Self-Navigation of Mobile Robots.- Implementation and Optimization Of Stereo Matching Algorithm on ARM Processors.- Heuristic Algorithms for Control of the Assembly Line.- Service Based Access to Matlab Engine.- FRel: A Freshness Language Model for Optimizing Realtime Web Search.- Simulation of the Video Feedback for Mobile Robots in Simbad Environment.- Ego TR: Personalized Tweets Recommendation Approach.- Simulation of Hybrid Fuzzy Adaptive Control of Pneumatic Muscle Actuator.- Case Study of Learning Entropy for Adaptive Novelty Detection in Solid-fuel Combustion Control.- One Approach to Adaptive Control of a Nonlinear Distributed Parameters Process.- Laboratory Systems Control With Adaptively Tuned Higher Order Neural Units.- Using Simulink in Simulation of Dynamic Behaviour of Nonlinear Process.- Optimization of Access Points in Wireless Sensor Network.- An Approach Towards Security.