This edited volume contributes to the creation of a comprehensive and a more inclusive understanding of an increasingly complex global ELT landscape across countries as well as across teaching and learning settings. The volume brings together inquiries from language teachers, educators and researchers from different backgrounds in the Global South and the Global North, who use their experiences of shuttling across borders to reflect on the shaping of their pedagogical, research and professional practices across higher education settings. The chapters weave the personal, professional and theoretical in a seamless manner, examining transnational identities and pedagogical practices formed and informed by both communities – ‘home’ and ‘host’ – and include narratives that are not unidirectional. The contributing authors also use a variety of qualitative research methods, along with reflexive writing and exploration of the authors’ own positionalities, to shed light on transnational identities and critique dominant pedagogical assumptions.
Table des matières
Chapter 1. Rashi Jain, Bedrettin Yazan and Suresh Canagarajah: A Critical Exploration of the Complex Research Landscape of Transnational Practices and Identities in Global ELT Settings
Part 1: Transnational Practices and Identities of ELLs in the US
Chapter 2. Jungmin Kwon: Understanding Transnational Childhoods through Young Immigrant Children’s Photographs
Chapter 3. Semi Yeom: ‘I’m not belonged’: Examining Transnational Undergraduate Students’ Sense of Belonging as English Learners
Chapter 4. Hatice Altun: Dubious Battle in ‘Otherness’: Pride or Shame
Chapter 5. Ufuk Keles and Bedrettin Yazan: Transnational Socialization of a Graduate Student from Turkey: Negotiating Identities, Asserting Agency and Navigating Emotions
Part 2: Transnational Practitioners and Participants in Global Contexts Beyond the US
Chapter 6. Ozgehan Ustuk and Peter I. De Costa: ‘Started working as a global volunteer…’: Developing Professional Transnational Habitus through Erasmus+
Chapter 7. Tabitha Kidwell: Intercultural Experience and Transnational Culture Education: A Case Study of One Novice Teacher’s Personal and Professional Development
Chapter 8. David Martínez-Prieto and Kristen Lindahl: National Perspectives on Mexican Transnational EAL Teachers: Ideological and Professional Challenges
Chapter 9. Emrah Cinkara: Syrian Immigrants as Transnational TESOL Practitioners in Turkey
Part 3: Transnational Practices and Identities of TESOL Practitioners in the US
Chapter 10. Kyung Min Kim: A Korean-American Teacher’s Journey of Professionalization: A TESOL Teacher Educator’s Identity Formation across Transnational Contexts
Chapter 11. Pei Chia (Wanda) Liao: Two Transnational and Translingual TESOL Practitioners in the United States: Their Capital and Agency
Chapter 12. Min-Seok Choi, Tamara Mae Roose and Christopher E. Manion: Teaching as Transnational Spaces: Exploring the Teacher Identity Construction of International Graduate Teaching Associates of Second-Year Writing Courses
Chapter 13. Willa Black, Danning Liang and Gloria Park: Becoming Critical Transnational English Teachers: A Narrative Inquiry of Fulbright Pre-service English Language Teachers
A propos de l’auteur
Suresh Canagarajah is a Edwin Erle Sparks Professor and Director of the Migration Studies Project at Pennsylvania State University. He teaches World Englishes, Second Language Writing and Postcolonial Studies in the departments of English and Applied Linguistics. His early education and teaching was in the war-torn region of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. He has taught before in the University of Jaffna and the City University of New York. His book Resisting Linguistic Imperialism in English Teaching (OUP, 1999) won Modern Language Association’s Mina Shaughnessy Award for the best research publication on the teaching of language and literacy. His subsequent publication Geopolitics of Academic Writing (UPittsburgh Press, 2002) won the Gary Olson Award for the best book in social and rhetorical theory. His study of World Englishes in writing pedagogy won the 2007 Braddock Award for the best article in the College Composition and Communication journal. His most recent publication is Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations (Routledge, 2013), which won the 2014 BAAL best book award and MLA’s Mina Shaughnessy Award. He is a former editor of TESOL Quarterly and a past President of the American Association of Applied Linguistics.