Ray Mc Manus received his M.F.A. in poetry and his Ph.D. in composition and rhetoric from the University of South Carolina. His poems have appeared in Nimrod, Crazyhorse, Jabberwock, Natural Bridge, Los Angeles Review, Cold Mountain Review, and other journals and anthologies. Mc Manus is the winner of the 1997 Academy of American Poets Award, the 2000 James Dickey Award in Poetry, and a 2002 Academy of South Carolina author »s fellowship. He teaches writing at the University of South Carolina and is cofounder of Split P Soup, a poetry-writing initiative.
3 Ebooks par Ray McManus
Ray McManus: Driving through the Country before You Are Born
Dark poems struggling to reconcile a haunting loss and troubled present Selected by Kate Daniels as the winner of the South Carolina Poetry Book Prize, Driving through the Country before You Are Born …
R. Mac Jones & Ray McManus: Found Anew
Found Anew is an anthology of new poetry and prose from writers with strong ties to the Palmetto State that creatively engages with historical photographs found in the digital collections of the Univ …
Ray McManus: The Last Saturday In America
For fans of Americana music and a beer after mowing the lawn, The Last Saturday in America confronts the long shadow of Southern masculinity. The Last Saturday in America is set in a …