Water is the essential substance for life on Earth. The natural patrimony of all living beings and the material and cultural heritage, a common good, a shared resource, a treasure trove of humanity. The nature of water, water at rest and in motion, the water cycle and its management are addressed here in a multidimensional, comprehensive and transdisciplinary approach.
The book focuses on water without complying with any disciplinary approach: philosophical, historical, physical and mathematical issues are merged with traditional hydrochemistry, hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and hydrology to provide an overview of basic knowledge on Earth’s water. These five lectures can be delivered to any undergraduate STEM student to introduce them a valuable, basic, multidisciplinary knowledge on water. Non-specialists will find here an insight of water made as simple as possible, but not simpler than required
Table des matières
Chapter 1. The Nature of Water.- Chapter 2. Water at Rest.- Chapter 3. Water in Motion.- Chapter 4.- The Water Cycle.- Chapter 5. The Governance of Water.
A propos de l’auteur
Renzo Rosso has been a professor at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy, from 1986 to 2021. He received the Borland Award for Hydrology in 2005, and the Henry Darcy Medal by the European Geosciences Union in 2010 for his research contribution to water science and engineering. He published several books and more than 450 papers on hydrological, environmental, statistical and civil engineering issues; and has served as advisor to national and international scientific agencies. His current activities include environmental supervision of large scale engineering works, and science and high education communication as a columnist and blogger in national newspapers and magazines.