The author’s second book, DEVELOPING A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD THE ONE WHO CREATED THE UNIVERSE, is a follow-up to his first book REFLECTIONS ON LIFE. In the first book, the author found the answer to ‘Who am I’ which led him to develop a firmly grounded belief system and deepen his understanding of ‘Who is God.’ In the second book, the author shares his personal spiritual journey to develop a personal relationship with God. The author believes that humanity is not capable of fully comprehending who or what God is and that the names humanity has given their gods are the gods they understand. The author is a Christian but believes that his understanding of God is limited by Christian theology. He believes that to develop a personal relationship with God, he must go beyond his limited understanding of his Christian God and develop a relationship with the God that is just beyond his understanding. The book is divided into five chapters, with Chapter 1 focusing on how God’s revelations revealed His existence to all humanity and all religions. Chapter 2 focuses on Jesus Christ as God’s living presence who models and teaches humanity how to coexist. Chapter 3 focuses on the Holy Spirit, which is in all of creation and every human being, and where one can develop a personal relationship with God. Chapter 4 puts everything together, and Chapter 5 provides final thoughts and emphasizes the importance of developing.
A propos de l’auteur
The journey continues, but the destination remains predictably uncertain for Richard Elliott, a consummate seeker who never hesitates to explore new faith dimensions. Rarely content with the spiritual status quo, but regularly focused on digging deeper, he enjoys inviting others to venture into previously uncharted territory. Delightfully honest, downright frank and always well-intentioned are but a few ways I would describe my friend and brother in Christ. A man of deep convictions and a mature but ever inquiring faith, he never tires in his efforts to grow spiritually, be present to those in need and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others, whether that be family, friends or a stranger on the street. Gifted with a knack for accepting perspectives that may differ from his, he consistently displays a refreshing openness that often brings reconciliation, healing and peace. A seed sower whose goal is always to produce a meaningful harvest, it’s fascinating to watch this perpetual planter at work. May those who read Richard’s most recent work, which is rooted firmly in the fertile soil of new perspectives, discover a rich assortment of gems worth pondering and helpful insights deserving additional contemplation. My guess is this will not be his last book. I continue to treasure the rather unique relationship I am privileged to share with a special saint, Richard Elliott. Eric Wogan, retired ELC Pastor
I have worshipped, served in Christian outreach, and been friends in life and Christ with Richard since he, his wife Carol and others help bring me back to active faith formation a decade ago. Richard is an authentic disciple and the ultimate seeker. The sincerity and passion of his commitment to keeping God, Christ and the Spirit at the center of his life, and his willingness to help others like me do the same, are human values that are far too rare in this age in which we live. Steve Blackledge, Sarasota
Throughout history, man has tried to understand how to get close to God. In most cases, he has followed a one-sided dogmatic theory from religious organizations. Richard Elliott gives us the information to find out for ourselves. He shows us the path to discovery Gods on the personal level. I firmly believe this is a groundbreaking book. Paul Gonzalez Radio and TV broadcaster
The book “Developing a personal relationship with God: the one who created the universe” provides a comprehensive and informative overview of various religions without advocating for any specific one. It describes the beliefs of eight different religions, allowing the reader to understand the reason behind their followers practices the authors approach of providing references for further verification added to the books credibility while the book was easy to read and informative, and also prompted the reader to reflect on their own beliefs and raise new questions. Overall, the book offered honesty, direction, and a wealth of information without imposing a particular religious view. Tom Closson, Sarasota