The book of Revelation says the bride of Christ made herself ready. After decades of study with a broad variety of churches, the author returned to the very words of the Master to investigate what he taught. Do we deceive ourselves when we believe we are in a relationship with Jesus by doing as others have told us? Do we need to first become disciples of Christ who abide in the words that the original disciples said lead to life eternal? What are the terms and meaning of love according to the Master Teacher? What is the message that he said must be believed to be his disciple? He called us to be disciples, not Christians.
Seven premises are set forth from what God and Christ had to say about several key elements of the gospel to show that what many Christians believe may not be in accord with the words of God or Christ. Studies include information from the King James Version, Hebrew scriptures, Dead Sea Scrolls, Damascus Document, and the Aramaic English New Testament.
Be prepared to set aside any beliefs that are not founded upon the very words of God and Christ. No one will ever need to repent of believing the words of God or the words of His only begotten Sonthe Desired One on whom God placed His Spirit to speak the very words of God directly to mankind. Discover what God said you were created to be and how you can get there, starting today!
Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4).
A propos de l’auteur
The author set out to study the teachings of Jesus and was then led to start his own website devoted to the topic. After a few years, the website (One Discipleto maintained a prominent top spot among millions of other sites—even above Wikipedia for searches about “the teachings of Jesus Christ.” After additional discoveries, he decided to publish some key information he believes should be known and evaluated by all who desire to know the truth.