Follow the story of 20th – 21st Century Genocide as told by a man who wrote a thesis and created a human rights early warning system that helped stop genocide, massacres and starvation in hot spots around the world. From 2000 – 2004 a group of twenty-something human rights activists raced against horrible unfolding events around the world to prevent or intervene in massacres and intentional starvation to save lives. Surprisingly, they were often successful seeming to have stumbled onto the keys to preventing genocide. This true story book recounts 110 years of recent genocide and heroes who intervened and then tells the story of a brief, talented group who found a way to get ahead of the curve of violence that plagues the human condition. We should all read and learn this lesson so the next generation doesn’t have to.
Table des matières
Break Glass Contents: In Case of Genocide Break Glass – How We End Genocidal Indifference.
CHAPTER ONE: ’Help Us We’re Being Massacred.’
An Intervention that Saved Lives:
CHAPTER TWO: My Personal Armenia. 30
CHAPTER THREE: 20TH Century Genocide. 45
CHAPTER FOUR: D.R. Congo (2002-2003):
An Emergency at the C.P.G. 114
CHAPTER FIVE: Gujarat, India (2002): 128
CHAPER SIX: UGANDA: (2000 – 2004)
LRA Child Militia Kill Acholi. A Ugandan Boy.133
CHAPTER SEVEN: Nuba, Sudan (2002):
Interns Expose Man-Made Famine. 140
CHAPTER EIGHT: Darfur, Sudan (2003 – 2004):
Lists of the Dead. 151
CHAPTER NINE: Student-led Genocide-Prevention 167
Sergio De Mello Lay Dying. 169
CHAPTER TEN: It Continues Today. D.R. Congo, CAR, Syria. 200
CHAPTER ELEVEN: Ending Genocide Permanently. 207
Successful Interventions.Multi-Track Diplomacy. 211
CHAPTER TWELVE: Breaking the Philosophy of Indifference.