Deeply spiritual and personal reflections from distinguished theologian Richard R. Gaillardetz.
Diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer, theologian Dr. Richard R. Gaillardetz started sharing his thoughts and reflections on Caring Bridge and signed off each entry with the Latin phrase ‘
dum spiro, spero’ (‘While I breathe, I hope’). In his chronologically compiled essays, Rick moves through his final season of life seeking insight from his Christian faith, while discovering new meaning in the signs and symbols that mark familiar liturgical seasons and celebrations. He explores fears and doubts, joys and sufferings, and the graces and blessings he encounters along his final journey. With shots of humor, a few sports analogies, and a sprinkling of quotes from Karl Rahner, Rick offers wisdom for all in his poignant exploration of what it means to be a person of faith, entering the paschal mystery, ever hopeful for the life to come.
A propos de l’auteur
Since completing his doctorate under the direction of David Power in 1982, Michael Downey has served as professor of theology and spirituality at universities and seminaries in the United States. His abiding theological commitment to those who are wounded and marginalized has brought him to serve the church most in need through lectures, conferences, and retreats in different parts of the world. From 1997-2011 he served as the Cardinal’s Theologian, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. He is currently Diocesan Theologian in San Bernardino, CA.