In a business era in which executives are taken away in handcuffsand corporate malfeasance and scandal dominates the businessheadlines, there is tremendous value in the stories of ethicalcompanies and spiritual business leaders. The CEO and the Monk is one such compelling story, the story of Key Span, thenation?s fifth largest energy giant and a profitable, Fortune 500company, and the two Key Span executives?one a former monk?whoseunique working relationship is based on something as simple andpowerful as ‘doing the right thing.’ This isn?t yet anotherprescriptive business guide written by breathless consultants. Itis a story about a real business and how two unusual and dedicatedhumanists can keep their eyes on profits and ethics at the sametime.
Table des matières
Introduction: What Is Good for the Soul Is Also Good for Business.
Chapter One: The Corporate Funeral.
Chapter Two: Brooklyn Union, the Fertile Hen.
Chapter Three: Enlightened Self-Interest.
Chapter Four: The LILCO Deal.
Chapter Five: High Noon.
Chapter Six: The Aftermath.
Chapter Seven: The New Millennium.
Chapter Eight: September 11th.
Chapter Nine: Preserving the Corporate Goodness.
Epilogue: The CEO; The Monk.
A propos de l’auteur
Robert B. CATELL is the CEO of Key Span, one of the nation’slargest energy providers. He is one of the most highly respectedbusiness leaders in New York.
KENNY MOORE is a former monk who left the religious life for asuccessful career in human resources. He is currently Corporate Ombudsman at Key Span.
GLENN RIFKIN is a veteran business journalist who has writtenextensively for the New York Times and coauthored manygroundbreaking business books, including the Wiley title Radical Marketing, The CEO Chronicles, and The Ultimate Entrepreneur.