Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceedings of the 37th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2019, the third volume of eight from the Conference brings together contributions to this important area of research and engineering. The collection presents early findings and case studies on fundamental and applied aspects of Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, including papers on:
Inverse Problems and Uncertainty Quantification
Controlling Uncertainty
Validation of Models for Operating Environments
Model Validation & Uncertainty Quantification: Decision Making
Uncertainty Quantification in Structural Dynamics
Uncertainty in Early Stage Design
Computational and Uncertainty Quantification Tools
Table des matières
1.. Nondestructive Consolidation Assessment of Historical Camorcanna Ceilings by Scanning Laser Doppler Vibrometry;.- 2.. The Need for Credibility Guidance for Analyses Quantifying Margin and Uncertainty;.- 3.. Failure Behaviour of Composites under both Vibration and Environmental Temperature Loading Conditions;.- 4.. Verification and Validation for a Finite Element Model of a Hyperloop Pod Space Frame;.- 5.. Investigating Nonlinearities in a Demo Aircraft Structure under Sine Excitation;.- 6.. Sensor Placement for Multi-fidelity Dynamics Model Calibration;.- 7.. Application of Cumulative Prospect Theory to Optimal Inspection Decision-making for Ship Structures;.- 8.. Establishing an RMS von Mises Stress Error Bound for Random Vibration Analysis;.- 9.. A Neural Network Surrogate Model for Structural Health Monitoring of Miter Gates in Navigation Locks;.- 10.. Model Validation Strategy and Estimation of Response Uncertainty for a Bolted Structure with Model-form Errors;.- 11.. Characteristic Analysis of Dolly Rollover Test: A Study of effects of Initial Conditions on the Kinematics of the Vehicle and Occupants;.- 12.. Input Estimation of a Full-scale Concrete Frame Structure with Experimental Measurements;.- 13.. Bayesian Estimation of Acoustic Emission Arrival Times for Source Localization;.- 14.. Quantification and Evaluation of Parameter and Model Uncertainty for Passive and Active Vibration Isolation;.- 15.. Bayesian Model Updating of a Five-Story Building Using Zero-Variance Sampling Method;.- 16.. Input Estimation and Dimension Reduction for Material Models;.- 17.. Augmented Sequential Bayesian Filtering for Parameter and Modeling Error Estimation of Linear Dynamic Systems;.- 18.. On–board Monitoring of Rail Roughness via Axle box Accelerations of Revenue Trains with Uncertain Dynamics;.- 19.. Bayesian Identification of a Nonlinear Energy Sink Device: Method Comparison;.- 20.. Calibration of a Large Nonlinear Finite Element Model with Many Uncertain Parameters;.- 21.. Deep Unsupervised Learning For Condition Monitoring and Prediction of High Dimensional Data with Application on Windfarm SCADA Data;.- 22.. Influence of Furniture on the Modal Properties of Wooden Floors;.- 23.. Optimal Sensor Placement for Response Reconstruction in Structural Dynamics;.- 24.. Finite Element Model Updating Accounting for Modeling Uncertainty;.- 25.. Model-based Decision Support Methods Applied to the Conservation of Musical Instruments: Application to an Antique Cello;.- 26.. Optimal Sensor Placement for Response Predictions Using Local and Global Methods;.- 27.. Incorporating Uncertainty in the Physical Substructure during Hybrid Substructuring;.- 28.. Applying Uncertainty Quantification to Structural Systems: Parameter Reduction for Evaluating Model Complexity;.- 29.. Non-unique Estimates in Material Parameter Identification of Nonlinear FE Models Governed by Multiaxial Material Models Using Unscented Kalman Filter;.- 30.. On Key Technologies for Realising Digital Twins for Structural Dynamics Applications;.- 31.. Hygro‐mechanical Modelling of Wood and Glutin-based Bondlines of Wooden Cultural Heritage Objects;.- 32.. Modelling of Sympathetic String Vibrations in the Clavichord Using a Modal Udwadia-Kalaba Formulation;.- 33.. Modeling and Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of a Piezoelectric Shunted Rotating Beam;.- 34.. On Digital Twins, Mirrors and Virtualisations;.- 35.. Applications of Reduced Order and Surrogate Modeling in Structural Dynamics;.-
A propos de l’auteur
R. Barthorpe, is a Professor with the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK.