Once Upon a World presents Bible stories for children in a unique, individual, and highly readable style.
Stories selected from the Old and New Testaments are charmingly retold and illustrated with delightful cartoon sketches. The stories are brought vividly to life, and throughout, Robert Duncan retains a warmth and reverence for his subject. A happy combination of faith and fun has produced a book that will appeal to all children and those young at heart.
A revised and refreshed edition of Robert Duncan’s entertaining retelling of Bible stories to entrance future generations.
Table des matières
The Old Testament
The creation 3
Adam and Eve 5
Noah’s ark 9
All about Jacob 14
Joseph’s lovely coat 18
Joseph meets the king and helps him 21
Moses and how he started life 26
Moses – later 29
Ten nasty plagues 31
Over the Red Sea 36
Bread from heaven 41
The children meet God 45
The ten do’s and don’ts 47
The baby cow made of gold 52
Moses goes to heaven 55
The walls of Jericho fall down 59
Gideon has a date with an angel 64
Samson tries to make a joke 67
Samson has a haircut 72
Samson brings the house down 75
Ruth – a lesson in loyalty 79
David and Goliath 82
Solomon – his wisdom and his gold 88
Elijah 95
Elijah goes, Elisha arrives 100
Books, battles, and burn-ups 105
Daniel reads the writing on the wall 111
Daniel and the lions 115
The return to Jerusalem 120
The beautiful Esther 123
Jonah and the whale 127
The New Testament
Mary has a baby 133
Jesus grows up 139
The devil tries to turn Jesus against God 143
Water? No, it’s wine! 148
Jesus heals sick people 151
Jesus talks to the people on the mountain 154
Jesus tells the storm to calm down 157
Jesus feeds five thousand people 161
Jesus walks on water 164
Jesus tells the story of the good Samaritan 167
The son who wasted his money 171
Jesus in trouble 175
Jesus arrives in Jerusalem 180
Judas tells the bad men about Jesus 183
The last supper together 185
In the Garden of Gethsemane 189
Pilate and the trial 193
Jesus dies on the cross 196
Jesus returns to his apostles 199
A propos de l’auteur
Robert Duncan specializes in drawing wise, witty, and relevant cartoons and illustrations, and crafting words for advertising and media. His lively creativity reflects in his play scripts and storytelling.