While probabilistic logics in principle might be applied to solve a range of problems, in practice they are rarely applied – perhaps because they seem disparate, complicated, and computationally intractable. This programmatic book argues that several approaches to probabilistic logic fit into a simple unifying framework in which logically complex evidence is used to associate probability intervals or probabilities with sentences. Specifically, Part I shows that there is a natural ...
Table des matières
Preface.- Part I: Probabilistic Logics.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Standard Probabilistic Semantics.- 3. Probabilistic Argumentation.- 4. Evidential Probability.- 5. S...
A propos de l’auteur
Rolf Haenni is professor at the Department of Engineering and Information Technology of the University of Applied Sciences of Berne (BFH-TI) in Biel, Switzerlan...