Education for sustainable development (ESD) presents an intriguing challenge in developed countries. The very notion of sustainable development may appear to be at cross-purposes with the social and political aims of large industrial economies. Yet, arguably, the residents of wealthy countries may be most in need of new ways of thinking and behaving on an increasingly more fragile and crowded planet. This book presents a collection of essays that capture the depth and diversity of education for sustainable development (ESD) work in formal education in Canada and the United States. Many of the authors are pioneers in the field of ESD, not only in their own countries but internationally. In this book, they share their expertise, lessons learned, and insights into the ongoing success of their work. The essays reflect leading edge practice, innovation, and depth of experience and provide clear models and strategies for expanding the application and influence of ESD in wealthy countries. The ESD programs described in the book are relevant and culturally appropriate for the specific locally contexts in which they are found but also in the larger context of ESD writ large as a planetary endeavour.
Table des matières
Part 1 – Schooling for Sustainable Development in Canada and the United States.- Chapter 1: Education for Sustainable Development in Canada and the United States: Rosalyn Mc Keown and Victor Nolet .- Chapter 2: Education for Sustainable Development in Formal Education: Canada: Charles Hopkins .- Chapter 3: Education for Sustainability in the K-12 Educational System of the United States: Noah Feinstein and Ginny Carlton .- Part II – Teacher Education: Chapter 4. Teacher Education and ESD in the United States: The vision, challenges, and implementation: Victor Nolet .- Chapter 5. Pre-Service Teaching and Pedagogies of Transformation: Don Dippo .- Part III – School Systems: Chapter 6. Sustainability and Education Academy (SEd A): Gerry Connelly .- Chapter 7. Education for Sustainable Development in Manitoba: A Provincial-wide Approach: Carolee Buckler and Anne Mc Diarmid .- Chapter 8. Integrating Education for Sustainability into the K-12 System: A Model from Washington State: Gilda Wheeler.- Chapter 9. Teaching and Learning towards a Sustainable Future: The Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes: Jen Cirillo and Anne Tewksbury-Frey .- Chapter 10. Dearness Environmental Society and the Sudbury Schools: Eric Foster .- Part IV – Reorienting Curriculum to Address Sustainability: Chapter 11. Ecological Economics Education: Susan Santone.- Chapter 12. Social Studies and Sustainability: A Global Competency Framework: Margaret S. Croco, Anand R. Marri, and Thomas Chander .- Chapter 13. Infusing Sustainability across the Curriculum: Wendy Church and Laura Skelton .- Part V – Nonformal Education Serving Formal Education: Chapter 14. Zoos and Aquariums and their Role in Education for Sustainability in Schools: Joe E. Heimlich, Vicki Connelly Searles, and Allyson Atkins .- Chapter 15: Teaching Sustainability through a 24/7 Residential Experiential Learning Experience: Ken Voorhis.- Chapter 16. Toronto and Region Conservation Authority: Advancing the Sustainability Agenda: Nancy Mc Gee .- Part VI – Higher Education: Chapter 17. Working with Institutions of Higher Education: Paul Rowland .- Chapter 18. Warren Wilson College: Modeling Sustainability through a Triad of Education: Catherine Reid .- Chapter 19. York University: Sustainability Leadership and Challenges at a Large Post-secondary Institution: Jennifer Foster .- Part VII The Practitioner’s Voice: Chapter 20: Both Sides Now: Music and Multi-sensory Learning: Joyce Johnson Rouse .- Chapter 21. On the Road to a Sustainable Education: Susan Olds and Brad Kuntz .- Chapter 22. A Canadian School Experience: Curt Belton .- Chapter 23. The Hopeful Art: Teaching Sustainable Economics: Cynthia A. Wood .- Afterword.- Index.