How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth is a book of straight talk about what it really takes to become a day trader, and how to learn what you need to know.
Do you think you know what day trading is really about? If so, where did you get your information? Social media is full of people claiming that they made a killing on a stock. Just as many people will warn you to stay away from day trading because they lost everything on some ‘sure thing’ that went bad in a hurry.
So what should you believe? How to Day Trade: The Plain Truth is the first book to talk candidly and in detail about how to become a day trader. It’s written by me, Ross Cameron, the guy who turned $583 into more than $10 million. Though my results are not typical, they are fully verified and audited. I also have over one million subscribers who tune into my You Tube channel to watch me trade. They see both my winning trades and my losing ones. Yes, even I have days where I lose money. That’s just the reality, and that’s what I want to share with you.
This book is unique among day trading books in three ways:
First, it’s written by someone with documented success from more than 20, 000 trades. Sure there are lots of people on social media calling themselves ‘day traders’ who will try to impress you with one amazing trade. Insider tip: You should only be impressed if they offer you an independently audited record of ALL their trades: the winning ones AND the losing ones.
Second, of all the books for day traders, this one is unique: I clear away a lot of ‘head trash’ that comes from social media, friends, and family who may have opinions but no real facts or deep experience with day trading. It addresses questions and opinions that most people have about day trading, like:
- ‘If it is possible to day trade profitably, why haven’t the giant trading firms taken it over and monopolized it by this point?’
- ‘If it’s possible for regular people to make consistent money by day trading, then why isn’t everyone doing it?’
- ‘Day trading is gambling. Nothing more, nothing less.’
- ‘What role does luck have in day trading?’
- ‘I have a hard time believing that you will tell me exactly the methods you use to trade. If you did that, wouldn’t you lose your competitive edge?’
- ‘I’m a gamer who’s incredibly fast with the keyboard. Why can’t I skip all the concepts and learning, and simply follow you as you trade?’
You will get specific, honest answers to all of these questions and more.
The third thing that makes this book unique is I have identified 20 specific ‘guardrails’ over my many years of trading. These are rules I follow, plus some I wish I knew when I was starting out. They are incredibly useful to keep in mind during the heat of trading-and it does get hot.
If you’re looking for day trading books for beginners, this is the book to get. Plus if you feel like you’re not a beginner but your day trading is going nowhere, this could be the book to have in order to get you back on track.
As important as charts and financial ratios are, those things come later. If you’re thinking about day trading for a living, what you need to know first is whether day trading fits your personality, and how to avoid the biggest myths and mistakes that will cost you time and money.
Real day trading is not anything like what you see on social media. After you read this book, you’ll know why. You’ll also have a solid roadmap of day trading strategies to take, if you decide to explore this amazing profession.
A propos de l’auteur
Ross Cameron is a full-time day trader and founder of Warrior Some people are groomed from a young age to be in the investment business, but that was not the case with Ross. His mother and father were not Wall Street investment bankers. Ross grew up in Vermont and at different times thought that he might become a ceramics teacher or an architect. When Ross’s father died, he was left with a modest inheritance. At first Ross had ‘professionals’ invest that money. But he soon discovered that they cost much more than they were worth. Could he do better himself? He decided to find out, and he dived into day trading. Long story short, Ross had periods when his trading was profitable. He also made just about every mistake in the book. After a tough losing streak, when his back was against the wall-with one last chance to make day trading his profession-Ross analyzed what he did differently when he was profitable versus when he lost money. That led to a set of ‘guardrails’ or rules that he used to gradually get better at day trading. After Ross had achieved some success at day trading, he sometimes would hear other traders say: ‘Yeah, well I didn’t start out with an inheritance. I wonder how you’d do if you started from scratch.’ Ross decided to find out. He opened a day trading account with $583 and grew it to $100, 000 in 44 days. His account reached $1 million in 28 months. All told, that account has grown to more than $10 million, and those results are audited. Ross has a You Tube channel with more than a million followers. What you’ll notice when watching him or reading his book is he talks to you straight: no promotion and no boasting. If you want straight talk about what it really takes to become a day trader, you’ve come to the right place.