Superior studies on salient themes and texts of Proverbs now join similar anthologies on Job and Ecclesiastes that have been compiled by Roy B. Zuck.
‘Learning from the Sages’ assembles thirty-two essays by twenty-seven scholars, covering genre, themes, and expositions of selected passages. Some include technical details of Hebrew, but in-depth linguistic knowledge is not necessary.
Part 1 looks at the structure, context, and message of Proverbs, and offers suggestions on understanding its content, terms used, and metaphors for wisdom, wealth, and poverty. Essays on individual texts are arranged in canonical order in Part 2. Commentators discuss such memorable sections as the advice to young men in Chapter 3, the seductress of Chapter 5, and the comparisons of the fool and the wise.
Contributors include Kathleen Farmer, R.N. Whybray, William Mouser, Jr., Bruce Waltke, William Mc Kane, Roland Murphy, Duane Garrett, Sid Buzzell, Allen Ross, and David Hubbard.
A propos de l’auteur
Roy B. Zuck is Senior Professor Emeritus of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary, where he taught for twenty-three years, including seven years as Vice President for Academic Affairs. He is editor of Bibliotheca Sacra and coeditor of the widely acclaimed two-volume Bible Knowledge Commentary. He has written or edited more than seventy books on Christian education and biblical and theological topics. His books include Teaching as Paul Taught, Spirit-Filled Teaching, and Basic Bible Interpretation.