Table des matières
Cast Members ix
Cold Open: The Introduction 1
Part I The Opening Monologue 3
1 Chase’s Ford vs. Belushi’s Samurai: Why is it OK to Punch Up But Not Down? 5
Table des matières
Cast Members ix
Cold Open: The Introduction 1
Part I The Opening Monologue 3
1 Chase’s Ford vs. Belushi’s Samurai: Why is it OK to Punch Up But Not Down? 5
Ruth Tallman
2 Mr. Mike: The Dark, Existentialist Vision of Michael O’Donoghue 15
Erich Christiansen
3 How Do They Get Away with It?: Pushing Boundaries with Offensive Material on Saturday Night Live 25
Michael Mc Gowan
4 SNL, Satire, and Socrates: Smart-Assery or Seriousness? 39
Joshua J. Reynolds
Part II Some Political Sketches 51
5 Saturday Night Live and the Political Bubble 53
William Irwin
6 Saturday Night Live and the Production of Political Truth: Foucault Explains the Danger of Late Night Comedy 63
Kimberly S. Engels
7 Word Associations, Black Jeopardy, and Mr. Robinson’s Neighborhood: SNL Tackles Race 75
J. Jeremy Wisnewski
8 John Belushi, Chris Farley, and Stuart Smalley: Drugs and Recovery on Saturday Night Live 87
William Irwin and J.R. Lombardo
Part III Some Sketches Featuring Your Favorite Recurring Characters 99
9 Dana Carvey vs. Darrell Hammond: What Does it Mean to be ‘Spot On, ‘ and Does it Matter? 101
Tadd Ruetenik
10 SNL’s Blasphemy and Rippin’ up the Pope: ‘Well Isn’t That Special?’ 109
David Kyle Johnson
11 ‘Wayne’s World’ and the Philosophy of Play 131
Jason Holt
12 Bulls, Bears, and Beers: Da Philosophy of Super Fandom 141
Robin Barrett
Part IV And Now for Our Musical Guest 149
13 Liveness and Lip-Synching: Andy Kaufman and Eminem 151
Theodore Gracyk
Part V Weekend Update 167
14 I Hate Applause: Norm Macdonald and Laughter 169
Jeremy Fried
15 Saturday Night Live’s Citizen Journalists and the Nature of Democracy 177
Kati Sudnick and Erik Garrett
16 Fake News as Media Theory: SNL on TV Journalism 187
Gerald J. Erion
17 ‘Look, Children, It’s a Falling Star’: David Spade and SNL Family Disloyalty 199
Jason Southworth and Ruth Tallman
Part VI The Absurd Stuff That Happens Near the End 209
18 The Simulated Reality of Saturday Night Live 211
Edwardo Pérez
19 Deep Thoughts about Deep Thoughts: The Existentialism of Jack Handey 223
John Scott Gray
20 The Ladies Man and ‘President Bush’: Can Someone Be Too Stupid for Moral Responsibility? 231
Jason Southworth
Index 239