Auteur: Sabine Kim

Leena Eilittä, DPhil (Oxon), is Adjunct Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Helsinki in Finland. She has published extensively, especially on German literature, and her current research focuses upon intermedial relations, particularly in Romantic narratives.Liliane Louvel is Professor of British Literature at the University of Poitiers in France. She specialises in contemporary British literature and word/image relations. She has published several books and organized a number of conferences dealing with the relationship between the pictorial and the verbal.Sabine Kim teaches Canadian Literature at the University of Mainz in Germany. Her current research focuses on the cultural history of sound and media from the nineteenth century to the present.

1 Ebooks par Sabine Kim

Leena Eilittae & Liliane Louvel: Intermedial Arts
The essays in this collection, which were written by European and North American specialists, position intermediality as a praxis of interpretative analysis in order to show how intermediality challe …