Auteur: Salvatore Celiento

Salvatore Celiento has a degree in Pastoral Counseling from ACU and Master degree in Counseling from Victoria University in Australia. He is an accomplished martial artist in the Japanese tradition of Ninjutsu. His other studies include the Shakuhachi bamboo flute (with Grandmaster Riley Lee), Tibetan Yoga, and Japanese brush painting. Salvatore has lectured on counselling in universities in Australia for many years and was accepted to study as a Shedra student by Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX in 2010. He has completed 7 years of a 10 year Shedra program, studying traditional texts from the Kagyu and Nyingma Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX (1955-2012) was born in Nangchen in Kham, eastern Tibet. He was recognised by His Holiness XVI Gyalwang Karmapa as the ninth Traleg tulku and enthroned at the age of two as the supreme abbot of Thrangu Monastery. Rinpoche was taken to Rumtek Monastery in Sikkim at the age of four where he was educated with other young tulkus in exile by His Holiness Karmapa. Rinpoche studied under the auspices of His Eminence Kyabje Thuksey Rinpoche at Sangngak Choling in Darjeeling. He also studied with a number of other eminent Tibetan teachers during that time and mastered the many Tibetan teachings with the Kagyu and Nyingma traditions in particular. Rinpoche moved to Melbourne Australia in 1980 and commenced studies in comparative religion and philosophy at LaTrobe University. He established E-Vam Institute in Melbourne in 1982 and went on to establish further Centers in Australia, America and New Zealand. Throughout his life Rinpoche gave extensive teachings on many aspects of Buddhist psychology and philosophy, as well as comparative religion, and Buddhist and Western thought. He was an active writer and has many titles to his name. Titles include: the best selling Essence of Buddhism; Karma, What It Is, What It Isn »t, and Why It Matters, now translated into 5 languages; The Practice of Lojong; Moonbeams of Mahamudra; and many more. Rinpoche »s writings are thought provoking, challenging, profound and highly relevant to today »s world and its many challenges.

5 Ebooks par Salvatore Celiento

Traleg Kyabgon: Integral Buddhsim
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX skillfully illustrates how to incorporate the whole human experience onto the Buddhist path. With mastery of Western concepts, the author explains how to integrate …
Traleg Kyabgon: Integral Buddhsim
Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche IX skillfully illustrates how to incorporate the whole human experience onto the Buddhist path. With mastery of Western concepts, the author explains how to integrate …
Traleg Kyabgon: Vajrayana
In Vajrayana: An Essential Guide to Practice, Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche explains the profound meaning of Vajrayana, inclusive of the Six Yogas of Naropa, demystifying the practices and providing the …
Traleg Kyabgon: How To Do Life
During Traleg Kyabgon Rinpoche’s life, he taught extensively, not only in regard to Tibetan Buddhist texts, but also practical, down-to-earth advice on how to do life better, advice on how we can …
Sam Bercholz & Dechen Davies: Journal Of Integral Buddhism
The Journal of Integral Buddhism presents papers given by esteemed scholars, monastics, and practitioners from various backgrounds within the Buddhist tradition and complimentary disciplines such as …