This book discusses the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchain and how they can work together to help reach the goals of Industry 4.0. The authors first discuss how AI and Blockchain can help increase performance in business. The authors go on to discuss how the technologies can integrate to provide a competitive edge for businesses through improvements in big data, which has allowed firms to organize huge datasets into structured components that computers can process quickly. The authors also cover security implications and how AI and Blockchain can act as a double-edged sword against cyber-attacks. Impacts in programming, calculations, robotization, robots, and equipment are also discussed. This book caters to an extensive cross-sectional and multi-disciplinary readership. Academics, researchers and their students in topics such as artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, ethics, robotics, safety engineering, and safety-critical systems should find the book of value.
Table des matières
Chapter 1. Application Areas, Benefits and Research Challenges of Converging Blockchain and Machine Learning Techniques.- Chapter 2. Internet of Things and Blockchain in Healthcare: Challenges and Solutions.- Chapter 3. A Conceptual Model for the Role of Blockchain in Overcoming Supply Chain Challenges.- Chapter 4. A Hybrid application of Quantum Computing Methodologies to AI Techniques for Paddy Crop Leaf Disease Identification.- Chapter 5. Cognitive Computing for the Internet of Medical Things.- Chapter 6. Blockchain-based Privacy-preserving electronics healthcare records in healthcare 4.0 using Proxy Re-Encryption.- Chapter 7. A Framework for low energy application devices using Blockchain-Enabled Io T in WSNs.- Chapter 8. Implementation of Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Based on Java and Internet of Things.- Chapter 9. Blockchain-Based Infrastructure for Precision Agriculture.- Chapter 10. Implementation of a Distributed Electronic Voting System Using a Blockchain-Based Framework.- Chapter 11. Blockchain based organ donation and transplant matching system.- Chapter 12. A transparent, distributed, and secure platform for crowd funding based on blockchain technology.- Chapter 13. Certificate Authentication System Using Blockchain.- Chapter 14. Blockchain Based Decentralized Student Verification Platform.- Chapter 15. Application of Internet of Things systems for Aerosol monitoring of quarries in Morocco.- Chapter 16. Blockchain Networks for Cybersecurity Using Machine Learning Algorithms.- Chapter 17. Block Chain of Crypto-Currency Using Po W based Consensus Algorithm with SHA – 256 Hash Algorithm for Making Secured Payments.- Chapter 18. An Efficient Security Enabled Routing Protocol for Data Transmission in VANET Using blockchain Ripple protocol consensus algorithm.- Chapter 19. Blockchain-based Sinkhole Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor Network.- Chapter 20. Secured Smart Manufacturing Systems Using Blockchain Technology For Industry 4.0.- Chapter 21. Kryptoverse – A Fully-Fledged Cryptocurrency Transfer Website Based On Web 3.0.- Chapter 22. The Benefits of Combining AI & Blockchain in Enhancing Decision Making in Banking Industry.
A propos de l’auteur
Professor Dr. Sam Goundar is an International Academic having taught at twelve different universities in ten different countries. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies (IJBC) – Inderscience Publishers, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Fog Computing (IJFC) – IGI Publishers, Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Creative Computing (IJCr C) – Inderscience Publishers, Section Editor of the Journal of Education and Information Technologies (EAIT) – Springer. He is the Editor-in-Chief (Emeritus) of the International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing (IJCAC) – IGI Publishers. He is the Associate Editor of Tsinghua Science and Technology – IEEE Xplore and Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Digital Banking & Financial Technology, Journal of Risk and Financial Management – MDPI. He is also on the Editorial Review Board of more than 20 high impact factor journals. Apart from Blockchains, Cryptocurrencies, e-Services, Digital Transformations, Fog Computing, Industrial Internet of Things, Enterprise Systems, Big Data, Mobile Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Educational Technologies, he also researches on Management Information Systems, Technology Acceptance Model, MOOCs, Gamification in Learning, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Network Intrusion Detection, Data Security Analysis, e-Sports, ICT in Climate Change, ICT Devices in the Classroom, Using Mobile Devices in Education, e-Government, and Disaster Management. He has published on all these topics.
Dr. R. Anandan completed his UG, PG and Doctorate in Computer Science and Engineering. He is currently working as Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering, Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India which is Pioneer Institution in Engineering. He has vast experience in corporate and all levels of Academic in Computer Science and Engineering his knowledge of interests not limited to Artificial intelligence Soft Computing, Machine Learning, High Performance Computing, Big data Analytics, Image Processing, 3D printing and knowledge Engineering. He associated as Member in many reputed International and National societies like International Association of Engineers (IAENG) Hong Kong, Computer Science Teacher Association (CSTA) New York, Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers, USA, Association of Computer Sciences and Information Technology (IACSIT), Singapore, Institution of Engineers, India, Computer Society of India and Indian Society of Technical Education (I.S.T.E). He serves as Editorial Board Member / Technical Committee/ Reviewer of International Journal such Arab/UK/USA journals (Springer, Thomson Reuters, SCI, Elsevier). He has published more than 130 research papers in various International Journals such in Scopus, SCI and referred journal. He haspresented 75 papers at various International Conferences. He authored and Edited 16 books, some of his leading books are Software Engineering, Advanced Java Programming, Functions of Hardware and Internet, Bigdata and Hadoop Beginners Guide for OOPS Concepts in Java Programming, Web Technology, Statistics with R Programming, Information Security, Artificial Intelligence and A Closer look at Bigdata Analytics and published 20 Chapters in leading publications. He filed 10 patents of his work.