Sari Kivistö is Docent of Comparative Literature and (since 2015) Director of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She is the author of The Vices of Learning (2014) and Medical Analogy in Latin Satire (2009).
Sami Pihlström is Professor of Philosophy of Religion at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, Finland (since 2014). He was previously Director of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies (2009-2015). He is also President of the Philosophical Society of Finland. His previous publications include Pragmatist Metaphysics (2009) and Taking Evil Seriously (2014).
5 Ebooks par Sari Kivistö
Sami Pihlström & Sari Kivistö: Kantian Antitheodicy
This book defends antitheodicism, arguing that theodicies, seeking to excuse God for evil and suffering in the world, fail to ethically acknowledge the victims of suffering. The authors argue for thi …
Saija Isomaa & Pirjo Lyytikaeinen: Rethinking Mimesis
Literary mimesis is an age-old concept which has been variously interpreted and at times highly contested, and which has recently been brought back to the forefront of scholarly interest. The debate …
Outi Hakola & Sari Kivistoe: Death in Literature
Death is an inevitable, yet mysterious event. Fiction is one way to imagine and gain knowledge of death. Death is very useful to literature, as it creates plot twists, suspense, mysteries, and emotio …
Esa Lehikoinen & Risto Lemmetyinen: Suomen lintutieteen synty
Suomen lintutieteen synty avaa näköalan Turun Akatemiassa ennen vuoden 1827 suurta paloa tehtyyn lintututkimukseen. Millaista oli 1600- ja 1700-lukujen tietämys linnuista ja miltä se näyttää nykytied …
Sami Pihlström & Sari Kivistö: Critical Distance: Ethical and Literary Engagements with Detachment, Isolation, and Otherness
This book argues that no ethically appropriate relation to other human beings is possible unless we treat them as genuinely other. The authors provide reasons to be critical of various attempts, many …