In 1997, David Lynch released Lost Highway starring Bill Pullman, Patricia Arquette, Balthazar Getty and Natasha Gregson Wagner. The film came and went and critics famously panned the film. While it did span a top 10 soundtrack, the film has largely been forgotten until now. In 2022, the film was remastered and rereleased. Film lovers, Lynch fans and critics started to take notice.
Author Scott Ryan, Fire Walk With Me: Your Laura Disappeared, The Blue Rose magazine, has turned his interviewing sites on the cast and crew of Lost Highway to write maybe the first book ever to focus on this forgotten Lynch film. The book has interviews with Academy Award winner Patricia Arquette, Balthazar Getty, Producer Deepak Nayar, Production Assistant Sabrina S. Sutherland, DP Peter Deming, Camera man Scott Ressler, Actress Natasha Gregson Wagner and more. The book also covers the film, the script and the famous soundtrack by Angelo Badalamenti and Trent Reznor.
A deep-dive look into David Lynch’s 1997 cult-classic Lost Highway. Interviews with cast and crew, essays on the film and music, and a tribute to Jack Nance. Director of photography or Lost Highway, Peter Deming, gave over 30 photos from the 35MM print for the book.
The book features a foreword by author Matt Zoller Seitz.
A propos de l’auteur
Scott Ryan is the managing editor of the Blue Rose magazine which covers Twin Peaks and the world of David Lynch. He is the co-president of Tucker DS and Fayetteville Mafia Press. He is the author of Moonlighting: an Oral History, Fire Walk With Me: Your Laura Disappeared, The Last Days of Letterman, Massillon Against The World, and The Last Decade of Cinema