Across the West, a legal system centred on the state, the creation of general national laws, the elimination of competing jurisdictions, and the marginalization of non-legal norms was a very long historical process. This volume examines the »poly-juralism« of Europe’s past – its legal hybridity and jurisdictional complexity – through case studies from a number of perspectives and traditions: Anglo-American, continental, Nordic, and mixed. The authors remind us that law precedes and surrounds the state, which is but one source of norms. They contest the anachronistic projection of modern legal nationalism, positivism, and centralism into the past. And these studies challenge both ideas of deep correspondence between laws, culture, and society and the division of Western traditions into reasonably discrete, closed legal families. Indeed, the lessons of this plural past can shed considerable light on the present, both in the West and across the globe.
Table des matières
Seán Patrick Donlan and Dirk Heirbaut
›A Patchwork of Accommodations›: European Legal Hybridity and Jurisdictional Complexity – An Introduction
Adolfo Giuliani
Jurisdictional Complexity in the Ecclesiastical State: A Discussion on the Diversity of Laws in Legal Education and Legal Practice
Bram Van Hofstraeten
Jurisdictional Complexity in Antwerp Company Law (1480–1620)
Alain Wijffels
Ancien Régime France: Legal Particularism under the Absolute Monarchy
Anthony Musson
Jurisdictional Complexity: The Survival of Private Jurisdictions in England
Heikki Pihlajamäki
On Forgotten Jurisdictional Complexities: The Case of Early Modern Sweden
D. De ruysscher
Normative Hybridity in Antwerp Marine Insurance (c. 1650–c. 1700)
Bernard Durand
Pluralism in France in the Modern Era – Between the ›Quest for Justice‹ and ›Uniformity Through the Law‹: The Case of Roussillon
Aniceto Masferrer
Plurality of Laws and Ius Commune in the Spanish Legal Traditions: The Cases of Catalonia and Valencia
John Finlay
Jurisdictional Complexity in Post-Union Scotland
Martin Löhnig
Killing Legal Complexity: The Jurisprudence of the German Reichsgericht in the First Years of its Existence
List of Authors