Auteur: Sir Richard Bowlby

Eva Rass, Dr. paed., ist analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapeutin, Dozentin und Supervisorin, war Vorstand des Institutes für Analytische Kinder- und Jugendlichenpsychotherapie in Heidelberg. Sie lehrt an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Heidelberg und an der Ärztlichen Akademie für Kinder und Jugendliche in München und ist ausgewiesene Kennerin des Gesamtwerks von Allan N. Schore.

3 Ebooks par Sir Richard Bowlby

Sir Richard Bowlby: Fifty Years of Attachment Theory
This book is the second volume in the series based on the annual Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture. It provides the personal and professional lives of Donald Winnicott and Dr John Bowlby, to give a f …
Sir Richard Bowlby: Fifty Years of Attachment Theory
This book is the second volume in the series based on the annual Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture. It provides the personal and professional lives of Donald Winnicott and Dr John Bowlby, to give a f …
Sir Richard Bowlby & Pearl King: Fifty Years of Attachment Theory : The Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture
This is the second volume in the series based on the annual Donald Winnicott Memorial Lecture. Sir Richard Bowlby looks at the personal and professional lives of Donald Winnicott and Dr John Bowlby, …