Stanislaw Feld was born on November 11, 1911 in Przmsyl, Poland. Throughout his life, he was a voracious reader. He spoke several languages. He loved to discuss politics, philosophy, religion and tell jokes. His favorites reflected the workplace, the cultural idiosyncrasies of people and the “locker room” themes of these limericks. His enthusiasm for learning new things, exercising his mind and body regularly with the motto, “If you don’t use it, you lose it” continues to be an inspiration to his family and friends.
9 Ebooks par Stan
Stan: Lusty Limericks
My mom told me not to read this naughty book! If you are open minded and dare to laugh with an open mind at this locker room tom foolery, enjoy this racy humor in this concealed brown bag facsimile. …
Stan: The Best Pet Tales Ever
These stories are some everyday adventures we have experienced and want to share with others, adventures that have occurred thanks to the antics of our wonderful adopted four-legged family members an …
Stan: Terna secca
RACCONTO LUNGO (32 pagine) – GIALLO – La prima indagine di Paul Niente detective, un investigatore che non fa assolutamente niente, alle prese con un serial killer dal nome più gastronomico che esote …
Stan: Un dolce al sangue
RACCONTO LUNGO (35 pagine) – GIALLO – Un finale fuoristrada per la prima indagine di Paul Niente detective. Quando le cose sembrano infangarsi quello è il momento più spettacolare per risolverle. E P …
Stan: Distribution Switchgear
Switchgear plays a fundamental role within the power supply industry. It is required to isolate faulty equipment, divide large networks into sections for repair purposes and reconfigure networks in o …
Stan: I suicidi si ammazzano al lago
Giallo – racconto lungo (52 pagine) – Torna il più dissacrante dei detective! Paul Niente e l’agente Qualunque, indagando sulla morte del cognato del titolare di un negozio di animali “La serpe in se …
Peter Gross & Iuliu Ratiu: Journal of Romanian Studies
The biannual, peer-reviewed Journal of Romanian Studies, jointly developed by The Society for Romanian Studies and ibidem Press, examines critical issues in Romanian studies, linking work in that fie …