In this fictional novel, mankind is entrusted with the vicegerency by the Creator, to the dismay of Iblis the protagonist of this story, who later becomes the archenemy of mankind, seeking every opportunity to defeat and destroy the enemy. Heavenly Concerns reaches its climax when Iblis renders mankind submissive, passive and indifferent. Thus, the journey to explore the roots of mankind then extends further into the far future to uncover the inevitablethe eventual demise of mankind.
Original and intriguing, this unique novel introduces readers to creative ideas on the concept of God, the purpose of human existence and where it is heading, the true origin of deception, eternity, and whether demise or immortality is characteristic of human souls. As they immerse in this thought-provoking read, they will be exposed to a mesmerizing voyage in space and timefull of intriguing science fiction scenes, encounters with beings from other dimensions, and previously unknown accounts and deliberations of the divine court and the news of the divine.
Through Heavenly Concerns, the author invites readers to enter a new reality therein free of the blurring effect of the veils of deception and falsehood. Thereto, a new reality is exposed full of promise, excitement, and hope.
A propos de l’auteur
The Author had received degrees in physics from the University of Waterloo in 1983 and in engineering from the University of Guelph in 1986. He worked as an engineer and produced many engineering designs to the satisfaction of his clients.
The author recently became interested in writing and has dedicated much time to this endeavour. His many areas of interest include among others philosophy, alternative civilization, social harmony, and how to attain genuine wealth and happiness.