Auteur: Stephen Newstead

Sherri McCarthy received her BA in psychology, M.A. in special education and Ph.D. in educational psychology from Arizona State University, working with Robert Grinder, former president of the American Psychological Association Division 15 (Educational Psychology) and a world-renowned expert in educational psychology. Her work consistently focused on developing critical thinking skills through psychology education for adolescents at risk. She has been a public school teacher and school psychologist in Arizona and Hawaii. Sherri is now a Professor of Educational Psychology at Northern Arizona University, where she has taught for the last decade utilizing a variety of mediums, including web classes (delivered, at times, from places as far afield as Brazil and Russia), interactive television and seminars. She was a Senior Fulbright Scholar in Russia during 2003-04, conducting research on teaching methods and lecturing for Vologda State Pedagogical University and Leningrad State University, active in the distance education program there that spanned Siberia. She was a National CNPq Research Scholar at the Institute of Psychology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, from 2004-2006. She is active in international psychology, serving as liaison to the American Psychological Association »s Council on International Relations in Psychology for Division 2 (Teaching of Psychology) and Division 52 (International Psychology). She serves on the board of Division 52 as Membership Chair and is also Membership Chair for the International Council of Psychologists. She headed the Global Psychology Project within APA Division 2″s recent Psychology Partnerships Project and served on the organizing committee for the 1st International Conference on Psychology Education in St. Petersburg, Russia in 2002 and the 2nd International Conference on Psychology Education and the International Council of Psychologists 69th Annual Convention in Foz do Iguacu, Brazil in 2005. Sherri has published over 30 articles in peer-reviewed psychology journals and presented over 100 papers and workshops at national and international conferences on topics related to teaching psychology. She recently co-edited a special edition of the International Union of Psychological Sciences » Journal of International Psychology devoted to practices of teaching psychology around the world and co-authored the chapter on Brazil in the Handbook of International Psychology (Routledge, 2004). She also wrote seven chapters for Handbook of Research-Based Practice (Oxford, 2003), Psychology of Terrorism (Greenwood/Praeger, 2002) and Treating Substance Abusers in Correctional Contexts, (Haworth, 2003), all released within the last two years. Other books she has written include Preventing Teen Violence (Greenwood/Praeger, 2006); Coping With Special Needs Classmates: A Handbook for Special Education Teachers and Students (Rosen, 1995) and Death in the Family: A Guide to Coping with Grief and Bereavement (International Self-Counsel, 1988). Sherri »s broad experiences teaching psychology at many levels and in several countries, using a variety of innovative methods and new technologies, as well as her familiarity with research in educational psychology, uniquely suits her to co-author this book. Steve Newstead gained his first degree at the University of Oxford and subsequently received a PhD from the University of Nottingham. His PhD research was on the psychology of language and thinking, an area in which he maintains a strong interest to this day. However, he has also established an international reputation in the applications of psychology to teaching and learning in higher educatio…

3 Ebooks par Stephen Newstead

Stephen Newstead; Jonathan St.B.T. Evans both of the University of Plymouth.: Perspectives On Thinking And Reasoning
This collection of essays focuses on three reasoning problems devised by Peter Wason – the selection task, the 2-4-6 task, and the THOG problem – which have had a considerable influence since their …
Stephen Newstead; Jonathan St.B.T. Evans both of the University of Plymouth.: Perspectives On Thinking And Reasoning
This collection of essays focuses on three reasoning problems devised by Peter Wason – the selection task, the 2-4-6 task, and the THOG problem – which have had a considerable influence since their …
Victor Karandashev & Sherri McCarthy: Teaching Psychology around the World
This important book is an overview of teaching psychology internationally. As psychology curricula become increasingly internationalised, it is necessary to understand and compare the various models …