Communication in Everyday Life: A Survey of Communication offers an engaging introduction to communication based on the belief that communication and relationships are always interconnected. Best-selling authors Steve Duck and David T. Mc Mahan incorporate this theme of a relational perspective and a focus on everyday communication to show the connections between concepts and how they can be understood through a shared perspective. Students will learn how topics in communication come together as part of a greater whole, as well as gain practical communication skills, from listening to critical thinking and using technology to communicate. The
Fourth Edition includes enhancements to its proven pedagogical features that reflect updates in research, cultural and societal changes, and emerging issues.
Table des matières
1. An Overview of Communication
Learning Outcomes
Everyday Communication and the Relational Perspective
What Is Communication?
Communication Is Symbolic
Communication Requires Meaning
Communication Is Cultural
Communication Is Relational
Communication Involves Frames
Communication Is Both Presentational and Representational
Communication Is a Transaction
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
2. Identities, Perceptions, and Communication
Learning Outcomes
Basic Assumptions of Identity Creation
Identities and Perceptions
Transacting Identities: Communication and Performance
Transacting Identities: Self-Disclosure
Transacting Identities: Other People
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
3. Verbal Communication
Learning Outcomes
How Is Verbal Communication Symbolic?
Kenneth Burke’s Pentad
Functions of Verbal Communication
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
4. Nonverbal Communication
Learning Outcomes
Misconceptions About Nonverbal Communication
What Is Nonverbal Communication?
The Functions of Nonverbal Communication
Types of Nonverbal Communication
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
5. Culture and Communication
Learning Outcomes
How Can Culture Be Identified and Studied?
Structure-Based Cultural Characteristics
Transacting Culture
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
6. Listening
Learning Outcomes
Why Is Listening Important?
Active Listening
Engaged and Relational Listening
Critical Listening
Recognizing and Overcoming Listening Obstacles
Listening Skills
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
7. Personal Relationships
Learning Outcomes
What Are Personal Relationships?
Benefits of Personal Relationships
Initiating Relationships: Attraction and the Relationship Filtering Model
Developing and Maintaining Relationships
Coming Apart
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
8. Family Communication
Learning Outcomes
Families as . . .
Change and Disruption in Family Life
Families Communicate!
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
9. Groups and Leaders
Learning Outcomes
What Is a Group?
Characteristics of Groups
Group Development and Decision Making
Group Decision Making Is About Relationships
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
10. Communication and the Workplace
Learning Outcomes
Learning About the Workplace
Going to Work: The Workplace as a Special Frame
The Workplace as a Culture
The Workplace as Relationships
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
11. Health Communication
Learning Outcomes
Culture, Society, and Health
Health Communication
Patient–Provider Relationships
Social Networks and the Primary Health Goals of Support
Media, Technology, and Health
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
12. Technology and Media in Everyday Life
Learning Outcomes
Perceptions of Technology and Media
The Relational Uses of Technology and Media
Cell Phones and Relationships
Maintaining Relationships and the Internet
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
13. Interpersonal Influence
Learning Outcomes
Presenting to Others and Relating to Audiences
Sequential Persuasion
Emotional Appeals
Compliance Gaining
Fallacious Arguments
And So . . .
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
14. Interviewing
Learning Outcomes
Preparing for an Interview
Pre-Interview Responsibilities
Beginning an Employment Interview
Asking the Questions During an Employment Interview
Answering the Questions During an Employment Interview
Concluding an Employment Interview
Post-Interview Responsibilities
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
Appendix: The Discipline of Communication
Learning Outcomes
The Development of a Discipline
The Emergence of Areas of Study
Coming Together as Communication Studies
Future of Communication and the Relational Perspective
Methods of Studying Communication
Social Scientific Approach
Interpretivist Approach
Critical Approach
Areas in the Discipline of Communication
Final Thoughts and Your Future
Learning Outcomes Revisited
Key Concepts
Communication and You
Technology Connections
A propos de l’auteur
David T. Mc Mahan received his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 2001. With research focusing on the social aspects of media and technology, personal relationships, and rhetorical criticism, he is the author of multiple books, and his research and scholarship have been published in numerous academic journals and edited volumes. He was named a Centennial Scholar by the Eastern Communication Association. David has taught courses that span the discipline of communication, including numerous courses in interpersonal communication and personal relationships, media and technology, communication education, theory, and criticism. He has been honored to receive multiple awards for his work in the classroom. A tremendously active member of the discipline, David’s his extensive record of service includes President of the Central States Communication Association, Editor of the Iowa Journal of Communication, and Consulting Editor of the Journal of Communication Pedagogy, along with membership and activity on a vast number of academic committees, executive boards, and editorial boards. He will serve as President of the National Communication Association in 2021. David hopes to one day have the winning entry in the Super Bull competition at the Iowa State Fair.