This book provides practitioners, researchers, and those involved in mentoring activities insight into varying types of mentoring. It covers aspects of mentoring with preservice teachers, K-12 practitioners, academia, and professionals in public and private sectors. Other areas not typically covered include service learning, faculty and graduate student writing and research groups, undergraduate and graduate student mentoring groups, online programs for alternatively certified teachers, formal mentoring programs for marginalized and underrepresented populations, academic mentoring for tenured faculty, and mentoring support for administrators at all levels! A unique approach to mentoring, a variety of theoretical contexts and frameworks is presented and suggestions for discussions, assignments, and dialogue opportunities are offered at the end of each chapter. These suggestions are practical applications and implications for extending conversations among professionals and are easily transferable to a variety of professional development activities. While primarily intended for teacher educators, it is a complete guide for those in public education who are interested in professional development activities. The topics addressed are useful to those who are new to the field of mentoring and to those who support mentoring projects at any level. A unique approach to mentoring, a variety of theoretical contexts and frameworks is presented and suggestions for discussions, assignments, and dialogue opportunities are offered at the end of each chapter. These suggestions are practical applications and implications for extending conversations among professionals and are easily transferable to a variety of professional development activities. While primarily intended for teacher educators, it is a complete guide for those in public education who are interested in professional development activities. The topics addressed are useful to those who are new to the field of mentoring and to those who support mentoring projects at any level.
Table des matières
Dedication and Acknowledgment; Introduction: Considering Mentoring from Different Perspectives; Overview; 1. Preservice Teacher Identity: Developing Teacher Identity at 45; 2. Growing into the Teaching Profession Through Service Learning; 3. “I am Getting a Student Teacher—Now what?”: Guidelines to Mentor your Student Teacher to Success; 4. Mentor tech: Mentoring Underrepresented Students to Enhance the Experiences of First Generation College Students; 5. Applied Cognitive Science: Mentoring Through Scaffolds; 6. “I don’t Really rely on the Textbook”: Mentoring a Teacher Candidate Towards Teaching Content area Literacy; Overview; 7. Empowering new Teachers Through core Reflection; 8. What Happens to Mentoring when School Budgets are cut?: Teacher Mentor Narratives; 9. Mentoring Students in a Collaborative team Environment of live Performance Production; 10. Development of a Master Mentor Teacher Program: From Inception to Implementation; 11. Online Mentoring: Lessons Learned; 12. Who Mentors the School Principal? Enriching the Principalship Conversation with Mentoring and Coaching Support; Overview; 13. Research Writing Teams as a form of Mentoring for Graduate Students; 14. Team Teaching Qualitative Research as Academic Mentorship: Spanning the Curriculum; 15. Aligning the Ph.D. and Mentoring Experiences of U.S. Underrepresented Minority Students in Engineering; 16. The Twelve Steps of Academic Adolescence: Our Autoethnographic and Archetypal map Through Academia; 17. Walking into fire: Navigating Tough Topics in your First University Faculty Position; 18. Traveling the Tenure Track: Mentoring and Collaborative Research Among African American Female Faculty in a Midwestern University; 19. Emotionally Intelligent Teaching: Mentoring and Teaching Excellence Using a Transformative Learning Model; Concluding Thoughts; Author Biographies.