See yourself on the first day of school. Realize that you have a very wide variety of students to teach this year. Connect with the feeling of your stomach being upset and acknowledge the fear of rising to the occasion of accommodating so much diversity. You have already been told you will have no aides or student teachers for this experience. You hear a thought inside your head ‘I’m not ready for this.’ You are at a book Fair, see ‘Facilitating Forward Progress With All Your Students Without Going Crazy, ‘ and you purchase it. Sitting in the back seat of another driver’s car, you start reading the pages, and your anxiety diminishes. The ideas for differentiating your classroom, grouping and regrouping students for pinpointed instruction, and using assessments and technology assure you that meeting the needs of your students is possible. Hallelujah…It will be a great year!
A propos de l’auteur
Lisa Kiss retired as an Emotional Support teacher for IU13 in Lancaster County, Pa June 2023. Her thirty-five years of experience as a Special Education Director and in teaching Special Education students and Gifted students in preschool through age twenty-one has given her an expansive knowledge of intervention strategies to use with students of all ages and intellectual levels. Her expertise lies in leading engaging workshops and coaching novice and veteran teachers in how to implement these strategies effectively. Lisa is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience gained over the past 35 years.Along with being a teacher and administrator, Lisa is an author. Lisa published articles in Educational Leadership. She co-authored with Susan Winebrenner Teaching Students with Learning Difficulties in Today’s Classroom. She also collaborated with Susan Winebrenner on an online PLC guide, Meeting the Needs of Twice Exceptional Students.Lisa has presented at several state conferences, multiple times at the Learning Disabilities Association International Conference, California’s Gifted Conference, and multiple times at the conference for the National Association for Gifted and Talented. She earned her Bachelors of K-8 Education degree and music education degree from Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania and her Special Education Certification from Kutztown University. She attended Penn State University to earn her Master’s in Teaching and Curriculum, and later, her Supervisory Certificate for Special Education. She is married to Douglas Kiss, and they have two children, Michelle and Brian. Although they have family in San Diego, Lebanon, PA was where they lived for 33 years.