When the indomitable Suzan tumbled to the ground, so did her worlda world of endless high-paced activities as a hotel sales executive. The struggle through terrible times became their shared, heartrending story. It tells us much about love triumphing over adversity, aided and abetted by medical magicians. Although they had never heard of Guillain-Barr syndrome until it struck like wicked lightning, this book follows their journey to make as complete recovery as possible. Through Suzan and Johns words of candor and humor, readers become conversant with this little-known, uncaring, and improbable disease.
This book is about unlikely survival, the revitalization of life for two people, and their sharing hard-won knowledge to ease the journey of others. It shows that even with daunting odds against recovery, it is possible to recover to inspire others facing this terrible disease.
A propos de l’auteur
Suzan and John Jennings experienced and dealt with a sudden onset of Guillain-Barré syndrome in 2008. Within six days, Suzan went from a tingle in her face to total paralysis from the neck down. She became an expert on the disease, its challenges, and how to work toward recovery. Suzan and John retired from successful careers, have been married for 10 years and recently moved to Parksville, on Vancouver Island, Canada to enjoy life with their dog Lady. Suzan continues to be a liaison for the GBS Foundation of Canada as well as being involved in advocacy issues for persons with disabilities. John (Mr. Choo Choo Train) is embarking on his life-long dream of building a model train layout in the garage and is enjoying life in the slow-track for now.