This book contains a selection of papers presented at the session ‘Quaternionic and Clifford Analysis’ at the 10th ISAAC Congress held in Macau in August 2015. The covered topics represent the state-of-the-art as well as new trends in hypercomplex analysis and its applications.
Table des matières
Cauchy–Pompeiu Formula for Multi-meta-weighted-monogenic Functions of first class.- Greedy Algorithms and Rational Approximation in One and Several Variables.- A. Kolmogorov and M. Riesz Theorems for Octonion-valued Monogenic Functions.- Compressed Sensing with Nonlinear Fourier Atoms.- Script Geometry.- A Panorama on Quaternionic Spectral Theory and Related Functional Calculi.- Models for Some Irreducible Representations of so(m, C) in Discrete Clifford Analysis.- Gegenbauer Type Polynomial Solutions for the Higher Spin Laplace Operator.- A New Cauchy Type Integral Formula for Quaternionic k-hypermonogenic Functions.- Eigenfunctions and Fundamental Solutions of the Caputo Fractional Laplace and Dirac Operators.- Three-dimensional Analogue of Kolosov–Muskhelishvili Formulae.- On Some Properties of Pseudo-complex Polynomials.- Slice Regular Functions on Regular Quadratic Cones of Real Alternative Algebras.- Differential Forms and Clifford Analysis.- Examples of Morphological Calculus.