Table des matières
R. Kumari, A. Nigam and S. Pushkar, Classification of MRI images for detecting Alzheimer Disease using Convolutional Neural Network.- S. D. Godwal and S. S. Kanojia, Optimum over Current Relays Coordination for Radial Distribution Networks Using Soft-Computing Techniques.- Priyavada and B. Kumar, A Review of Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Method.- D. Patel and S. Sharma Automated Detection of Elephant Using AI Techniques.- P. Rajak and P. Roy, Determination of Probability of Failure of Structures Using DBSCAN and Support Vector Machine.- Md. Nayer and S. C. Pandey, The Ensemble of Ant Colony Optimization and Gradient Descent Technique for Efficient Feature Selection and Data Classification.- A. K. Prasad and S. S. Thakur, s-Regularity Via Soft Ideal.- K. A. Pattani and S. Gautam, A Comprehensive Study on Mobile Malwares: Mobile Covert Channels – Threats and Security.- F. Nikbakhtsarvestani, Overview of Incorporating Nonlinear Functions into Recurrent Neural Network Models.- Sangita A. Jaju, Sudhir B. Jagtap, and R. Shinde, A Soft Computing Approach for Predicting and Categorising Learner’s Performance using Fuzzy Model.- T. Kaur Bhatia, A. Kumar, M.K. Sharma, and S.S. Appadoo, A Fuzzy Logic based Approach to Solve Interval Multiobjective Nonlinear Transportation Problem: Suggested Modifications.- O. Castillo and P. Melin, Interval Type-3 Fuzzy Decision Making in Material Surface Quality Control.- F. A. Khan, J. Ali, Fatimah N. Albishi, and F. Gursoy, A Generalized Nonlinear Quasi-Variational-Like Inclusion Problem Involving Fuzzy Mappings.- B. Kohli, Approximate Optimality Conditions via Convexifactors for Multiobjective Programming Problems.- F. Mirdamadi, H. Monfared, Mehdi Asadi, and H. Soleimani, A Remark on Discontinuity of Fixed Point on Partial Metric Spaces.- A. Priya, A. Kumari and M. Singh, Implementation of Fuzzy Logic in Home Appliances.- S. Banerjee, B. Guha, A. Ghosh, and G. Bandyopadhyay, Portfolio Structure of Debt Mutual Funds in Indian Market.- R. Om Gayathri and R. Hemavathy, Fixed Point Theorems for Digital Images using Path Length Metric.- R. P. Verma, N. Kumar, S. Kumar, and Sruthi S., Emergency Help for Road Accidents.- E. Arul, S. Akash Kumar, R. Ragul, and Yuvaanesh V.B., Music Classification Based on Lyrics and Audio by using Machine Learning.- S. Khalil and U. M. Modibbo, Multiobjective Optimization for Hospital Nurse Scheduling Problem.- Z. Ghouli, On the Performance of a Flow Energy Harvester using Time Delay.- A. Badran, Identification of Some Spatial Coefficients in Some Engineering Topics.- U. Bhagirathi and R. Ajoodha, Automatic Venue Allocation for Varying Class Sizes using Scoring and Heuristic Hill-climbing.- N. K. Sharma, S. Kumar, A. Rajpal, and N. Kumar, DWT and Quantization based Digital Watermarking Scheme using Kernel OS-ELM.- P. Muralikrishna, P. Hemavathi, and K. Palanivel, Stress Level Analysis Using Bipolar Picture Fuzzy Set.- Y. Kimura and K. Shindo, Asymptotic Behavior of Resolvents on Complete Geodesic Spaces with General Perturbation Functions.