Across 22 chapters, T. Desmond Alexander expounds the theme of the kingdom of God from selected Old and New Testament texts, showing its relevance for today.
God made us to rule with him as his representatives, to establish his kingdom on earth. But Adam and Eve’s rebellion alienated humanity from God’s kingdom, instead making them slaves to the kingdom of darkness. As the promised ruler, Jesus Christ comes as the perfect king to redeem enslaved humanity. This servant king b...
Table des matières
General preface ix
Author’s preface xi
Chief abbreviations xiii
Select bibliography xv
Introduction 1
Part 1: The scene is set
1. The creator king (Genesis 1:...
A propos de l’auteur
Director of Postgraduate Studies, Union Theological College, Belfast. Author of From Paradise to Promised Land, From Eden to the New Jerusalem, The Servant King...