Auteur: Tarald Rasmussen

Prof. Dr. theol. D.D. h.c. Rudolf Smend ist ordentlicher Unversitätsprofessor.

90 Ebooks par Tarald Rasmussen

Magne Sæbø: Hebrew Bible / Old Testament: The History of Its Interpretation
Dieser Band setzt das große internationale Standardwerk zur Rezeption der Hebräischen Bibel/des Alten Testaments, das christliche und jüdische Fachleute aus der ganzen Welt vereint, fort. Es stellt d …
Andreas J. Beck: Melanchthon und die Reformierte Tradition
Andreas J. Beck presents the contributions of the international conference on »Melanchthon and the Reformed Tradition«, which was organized by the Johannes a Lasco Library Emden in cooperation with t …
Herman A. Speelman: Melanchthon and Calvin on Confession and Communion
Melanchthon and Calvin were late medieval people, stemming from a world of order and unity, and at the same time they fully lived in the early modern world, in which everything was changing. In this …
Silvio Reichelt: Der Erlebnisraum Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Silvio Reichelts Arbeit untersucht den in Wittenberg gepflegten Umgang mit dem reformationsgeschichtlichen Erbe der Stadt unter den Bedingungen von fünf verschiedenen politischen Systemen. Die analyt …
R. Ward Holder: Calvin and Luther: The Continuing Relationship
The reforms begun by Luther and Calvin became two of the largest and most influential movements to arise in the sixteenth century, but frequently, these two movements are seen and defined as polar op …
Anne Eusterschulte & Hannah Wälzholz: Anthropological Reformations – Anthropology in the Era of Reformation
The aim of the volume is to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion about the establishment and debates on anthropological concepts and their changes in the age of Reformation: How do anthropologic …
Jairzinho Lopes Pereira: Augustine of Hippo and Martin Luther on Original Sin and Justification of the Sinner
The book is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the development of Augustine’stheology of Original Sin and Justification. Here the emphasis is placed on the defining moments ofthis deve …
Wim Decock & Jordan J. Ballor: Law and Religion
Wim Decockcollects contributions by internationally renowned experts in law, history and religion on the impact of the Reformations on law, jurisprudence and moral theology. The overall impression co …
Ernst-Joachim Waschke & Herman J. Selderhuis: Reformation und Rationalität
On 19th October 1512, Martin Luther received his doctorate of theology under the chairmanship of Andreas Bodenstein of Karlstadt. Throughout his life, Luther remained tied to the Universityof Wittemb …
Jonathan Mumme: Die Präsenz Christi im Amt
How did Luther understand the office of the ministry? For those listening to his sermons after Wittenberg had become a center for regular ordinations the matter looks not nearly so convoluted as the …
Jon Øygarden Flæten & Tarald Rasmussen: Preparing for Death, Remembering the Dead
Death and dying were not in the main focus of the denominational conflicts of the 16th century. However, pious literature covered these topics again and again, not only before the Reformation, but af …
J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay & Herman J. Selderhuis: Reformed Majorities in Early Modern Europe
This volume contains the papers of the international Refo RC conference on ‘Reformed Majorities and Minorities in Early Modern Europe’ as it was organized by the Johannes a Lasco Bibliothek, Emden in …
Karen E. Spierling: Calvin and the Book
The Protestant Reformation has long had the reputation as being a movement of ‘the Book’, led by reformers like John Calvin who were ‘men of the Book’. The essays in this volume reveal many of the un …
Gabriella Erdélyi: Armed Memory
The edited volume aims to re-contextualize revolts in early modern Central and Southern Europe (Hungary, Croatia, Czech Lands, Austria, Germany, Italy) by adopting the interdisciplinary and comparati …
Jeff Fisher: A Christoscopic Reading of Scripture: Johannes Oecolampadius on Hebrews
The focus of this study is on Oecolampadius’s 1534 commentary on the biblical book of Hebrews, which derived from his theology lectures at the University of Basel in 1529-1530. Jeff Fisher compares h …
Wim François & Violet Soen: The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700)
Exactly 450 years after the solemn closure of the Council of Trent on 4 December 1563, scholars from diverse regional, disciplinary and confessional backgrounds convened in Leuven to reflect upon the …
Wim François & Violet Soen: The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700)
Exactly 450 years after the solemn closure of the Council of Trent on 4 December 1563, scholars from diverse regional, disciplinary and confessional backgrounds convened in Leuven to reflect upon the …
Wim François & Violet Soen: The Council of Trent: Reform and Controversy in Europe and Beyond (1545-1700)
Exactly 450 years after the solemn closure of the Council of Trent on 4 December 1563, scholars from diverse regional, disciplinary and confessional backgrounds convened in Leuven to reflect upon the …
Frances Luttikhuizen: Underground Protestantism in Sixteenth Century Spain
Frances Luttikhuizen chronicles the arrival, reception, and suppression of Protestant thought in sixteenth century Spain—referred to at that time as ‘Lutheranism’. It opens with several chapters desc …
Bo Kristian Holm & Nina J. Koefoed: Lutheran Theology and the shaping of society: The Danish Monarchy as Example
From different perspectives this book studies the role of Reformation theology in the shaping of Danish society and the social dimensions of Lutheran confessional culture. The book develops an approa …
Matthew L. Becker: Nineteenth-Century Lutheran Theologians
This collection of essays, a companion volume to the book, Twentieth-Century Lutheran Theologians (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013), examines important nineteenth-century figures from the perspective of …
Tobias Schreiber: Petrus Dathenus und der Heidelberger Katechismus
Der Heidelberger Katechismus zählt zu den zentralen Lehr- und Bekenntnisschriften des reformierten Protestantismus. Bei seiner Abfassung wurde in nicht unerheblichem Maße auf Stoff aus älteren Katech …
Charles Raith II: After Merit
In this study Charles Raith II fills a gap in Reformation-era scholarship by analyzing Calvin’s teaching on works and reward in light of medieval theological developments surrounding the doctrine of …
Piotr Wilczek: Polonia Reformata
In his fascinating new book, Polonia Reformata. Essays on the Polish Reformation(s), Professor Piotr Wilczek of the University of Warsaw discusses selected aspects of Polish early modern religious hi …
Christopher Spehr: Lutherjahrbuch 80. Jahrgang 2013
Das Lutherjahrbuch ist das bedeutendste Organ der internationalen Lutherforschung und wird im Auftrag der Luther-Gesellschaft herausgegeben. Das Jahrbuch 2013 dient als Berichtsband des 12. Internati …
Joel R. Beeke & Martin I. Klauber: The Synod of Dort
The Synod of Dort was an international conference of Reformed leaders held in 1618–1619 in the Netherlands. It is famous for its so-called Five Points of Calvinism which were a refutation of the Five …
Cornelis den van den Berg: Anton Engelbrecht 1487–1556
In den Beschreibungen der Lebensgeschichte von Anton Engelbrecht (1487-1556) wurde lange Zeit zu Unrecht eine überwiegend negative Meinung geäußert. In dieser biografischen Studie über ihn, ursprüngl …
Olga Lukács & Alpár Csaba Nagy: From Movement to Inheritance
This book does not only deal with the history, but also with the effects of the Reformation over the mentality, education and scientifical research among Hungarians during the last five centuries. Th …
Erik H. Herrmann & Charles Arand: From Wittenberg to the World
The book honours the Rev. Dr. Robert A Kolb, retired Director of the Institute for Mission Studies and Missions Professor in systematic theology at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and perhaps the lead …
Gábor Kármán: Confession and Politics in the Principality of Transylvania 1644–1657
This volume is a survey of the changing role the confessional element played in that country’s foreign policy. Though its rulers consistently supported the Protestant cause during the Thirty Years’ W …
Federica Meloni & Patrizio Foresta: Arts, Portraits and Representation in the Reformation Era
The role played by artistic, literary, historical and theological representations in the establishment of the European Reformation has attracted scholarly attention over the years. While they were ge …
Christian Peters: Vom Humanismus zum Täuferreich
Christian Peters bietet eine weithin neue Deutung Bernhard Rothmanns (um 1495–1535), des Reformators der westfälischen Bischofsstadt Münster und nachmals wichtigsten Theologen der dortigen Täufer. Es …
Herman J. Selderhuis & J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay: Luther and Calvinism
Die Wirkung Martin Luthers auf den Calvinismus war enorm. In diesem Band dokumentieren namhafte Autoren auf dem Gebiet der Lutherforschung und der reformierten Theologie die internationale Forschung …
Katalin Péter: Studies on the History of the Reformation in Hungary and Transylvania
Katalin Peter offers is a vigorous and stimulating reassessment of the history of the Protestant Reformation in Hungary. The Reformation has traditionally been explained in terms of theology, the cor …
Barbara Pitkin: Semper Reformanda
The chapters in this volume contribute to recent scholarship exploring the reform of worship as a central feature of Protestant communities at their inception and through the ages. Case studies rangi …
Chaoluan Kao: Reformation of Prayerbooks
In her study Chaoluan Kao offers a comprehensive investigation of popular piety at the time of the European Reformations through the study of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Protestant prayerbooks …
Bjørn Ole Hovda: The Controversy over the Lord’s Supper in Danzig 1561–1567
In 1561, a Eucharistic controversy erupted in Danzig of the sixteenth century, sparked by disagreements on the real presence and the practical treatment of the Eucharistic elements. It was one of man …
Joanna Pietrzak-Thébault: Word of God, words of men
The book presents many aspects of the phenomenon of translation and commentary work of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th and 17th centuries. It contains studies of eminent s …
Violet Soen & Alexander Soetaert: Transregional Reformations
This volume invites scholars of the Catholic and Protestant Reformations to incorporate recent advances in transnational and transregional history into their own field of research, as it seeks to unr …
Philippe Denis: Edmond Richer and the Renewal of Conciliarism in the 17th century
In 1611 Edmond Richer, the syndic of the Faculty of Theology of Paris, published a short but incisive defence of the conciliarist doctrine under the title De ecclesiastica et politica potestate. He c …
Luke Murray: Jesuit Biblical Studies after Trent
In the field of biblical hermeneutics one area which scholarship has neglected is Catholic biblical scholarship during the early modern era. A brief look through a standard textbook on hermeneutics r …
J. Marius J. Lange van Ravenswaay: Renaissance und Bibelhumanismus
Als im Jahr 1516 die neue Ausgabe des Neuen Testaments, das Novum Instrumentum des Erasmus von Rotterdam erschien, war dies ein herausragendes Ereignis mit weitreichenden Konsequenzen und Wirkungen. …
Cezary Lipiński & Wolfgang Brylla: Die Reformation 1517
Die Feierlichkeiten anno 2017 haben anschaulich gezeigt, in welchem Grad die Reformation immer noch an die Person Martin Luthers geknüpft wird. Gefeiert wurde der Reformator als der ultimative deutsc …
Sandra Bihlmaier: Ars et methodus
Sandra Bihlmaier constitutes a historical and philosophical analysis of Philipp Melanchthon’s concept of method and philosophy. By means of a detailed inquiry into Melanchthon’s textbooks of dialecti …
Olga Weckenbrock: Ritterschaft und Reformation
Der Band entfaltet ein Panorama von vielschichtigen Handlungsspielräumen des niederen Adels im Reformationszeitalter und zeigt, wie dieser Stand das konfessionelle Geschehen in seinem lokalen Einflus …
Frank van der Pol: The Doctrine of Election in Reformed Perspective
In 11 essays The Doctrine of Election in Reformed Perspective reflect ongoing investigations concerning the doctrine of election, with special focus on the Synod of Dort 1618–19. Important lines of d …
Markus M. Totzeck: Die politischen Gesetze des Mose als Vorbild
In the second half of the sixteenth century, humanists and Calvinists created a unique text genre, the so-called politia judaica-literature, that was centered around the model of the ancient Jewish p …
Pál Ács: Reformations in Hungary in the Age of the Ottoman Conquest
Pál Ács discusses various aspects of the cultural and literary history of Hungary during the hundred years that followed the Battle of Mohács (1526) and the onset of the Reformation. The author focus …
Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer: Sebastian Castellio (1515–1563) – Dissidenz und Toleranz
Castellio’s plea for religious tolerance and his refusal of prosecution of dissenters are as relevant today as they had been in 1554 when Michel Servet’s burning at the stake occasioned Castellio’s p …
Karla Apperloo-Boersma & Herman J. Selderhuis: More than Luther:
This volume contains the plenary papers and a selection of shortpapers from the Seventh Annual Refo RC conference, which was held May 10–12th 2017 in Wittenberg. The contributions concentrate on the …
Reiner Kuhn: Bekennen und Verwerfen
Als Schüler Luthers und Melanchthons wird Joachim Westphal 1541 Pastor in Hamburg. In der innerevangelischen Kontroverse über das Abendmahl ergreift er das Wort gegen Johannes Calvin. Seither zeichne …
Simon J.G. Burton & Piotr Wilczek: Protestant Majorities and Minorities in Early Modern Europe
The contributors to this volume examine the complex and dynamic role that Protestant majorities and minorities played in shaping the Reformations of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. In doing …
Seongmin Ryu: Dulcissimae Carmina Ecclesiae
Der Psalmenkommentar Phillip Melanchthons wurde anhand seiner Psalmenvorlesungen zusammengestellt, die er an der Wittenberger Universität 1548–1553 gehalten hat. In seinem Kommentar findet die humani …
Antonio Gerace: Biblical Scholarship in Louvain in the ‘Golden’ Sixteenth Century
Antonio Gerace dealt with the development of biblical scholarship in Louvain by analysing with seven authors who worked in the first part of the Sixteenth century and who are strictly linked to the L …
Anna Vind: Latomus and Luther
Who was Jacob Latomus? What did he write in the series of lectures to which Luther penned an answer in 1521, an answer which is now so central to many interpretations of the great reformer? And how i …
Marijn de Kroon & Willem van’t Spijker: Martin Bucer (1491–1551)
This present volume aims to stimulate Bucer-research as it brings together a selection of the best of De Kroon’s and Van’t Spijker’s articles some of which appear for the first time in English transl …
Phil Anderas: Renovatio
Much mainstream Luther scholarship (and Lutheran theology) holds that Martin Luther downplayed, denied, derided, or just plain ignored ‘the holiness without which no one shall see the Lord’ (Heb. 12: …
Joachim Bahlcke: Konfessionelle Vielfalt als Herausforderung und Perspektive
Im Raum zwischen Ostsee und Adria setzte nicht nur die Entwicklung konfessioneller Vielfalt innerhalb der lateinischen Christenheit deutlich früher, rund ein Jahrhundert vor dem Auftreten Luthers, ei …
Anna Vind & Iben Damgaard: In-visibility
The content of the book reconsiders the relation between visibility and transcendence. The focus is especially on the contribution to this issue from the theological tradition in protestant Europe be …
Hartmut Lehmann: Das Reformationsjubiläum 2017
Als die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland 2008 eine Lutherdekade als Vorbereitung auf das große Reformationsjubiläum des Jahres 2017 ausrief, hatte Hartmut Lehmann sich bereits viele Jahre mit den L …
Kirk Summers & Scott M. Manetsch: Theodore Beza at 500
Theodore Beza (1519–1605) was a talented humanist, Protestant theologian, political agitator, and prominent minister of the reformed church in Geneva during the second-half of the 16th century. Durin …
Rajmund Pietkiewicz: In Search of ‘the Genuine Word of God’
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth familiarized itself with Christian Hebraism in the first half of the 16th century. ‘In Search of ‘the Genuine Word of God » sketches out the process in three chapte …
Yakub E. Kartawidjaja: Music in Martin Luther’s Theology
The study aims to analyse the impact of Luther’s theology on his thoughts about music. It limits itself to an analysis of the topic by focusing on the three most important statements of Luther about …
Robert A. Kolb & Torbjörn Johansson: Simul
This volume introduces an important concept which hitherto has not gotten the recognition it deserves. The concept simul, the idea of a both-and in theology, is primarily associated with the Lutheran …
Anna Vind & Herman J. Selderhuis: ‘Church’ at the Time of the Reformation
The present volume aims at a clarification and a discussion of the church in the 16th century: What did the reformers think about the essence and origin of the holy, apostolic and Catholic church? Wh …
Wulfert de Greef: Of One Tree
This is the first work to examine Calvin’s understanding of the relationship between Jews and Christians at such a fundamental level. After an overview of the status of Jews in Europe during the late …
Robert C. Sturdy: Freedom from Fatalism
Samuel Rutherford’s (1600-1661) scholastic theology has been criticized as overly deterministic and even fatalistic, a charge common to Reformed Orthodox theologians of the era. This project applies …
Kornél Nagy: The Church-Union of the Armenians in Transylvania (1685–1715)
The 17th and 18th centuries have been regarded as one of the most exciting periods in the history of Hungary and Transylvania. The wars of liberation to terminate the Ottoman occupation, the integrat …
András Szabó: Natio Ungarica
Im 16. Jahrhundert war – mangels heimischer Hochschuleinrichtungen – Wittenberg die wichtigste Universität der Protestanten Ungarns. Bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts weilten hier etwa 1200 Studenten, 43 …
Sven Gütermann: Reformation und Konfessionsbildung in Speyer
Das Buch geht der Frage nach, wann in der Reichsstadt Speyer die Reformation offiziell eingeführt wurde und der Prozess der evangelischen Konfessionsbildung einsetzte und wie bzw. über welche Wege un …
Simon J.G. Burton & Matthew C. Baines: Reformation and Education
Closely entwined with the educational revolution of early modernity, the Reformation transformed the pedagogical landscape and culture of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Embracing a broad un …
Andrew G. Newby & Nina J. Koefoed: Lutheranism and social responsibility
The contributions in this volume enter the debate about the way in which the provision of poor relief can be influenced by its national confessional context. They bring new perspectives to the unders …
Henk van den Belt & Klaas-Willem de Jong: A Landmark in Turbulent Times
At the Synod of Dordrecht (1618–19), the deep questions of justification and faith, election and rejection, time and eternity, grace and free will, the individual and the body of Christ, Israel and t …
Frances Luttikhuizen: Constantino de la Fuente (San Clemente, 1502–Seville, 1560)
During the first half of the sixteenth century the Spanish Inquisition fought ‘Lutheranism’ in a benign way, but as time passed the power struggle between those that favoured reform and the detractor …
Łukasz Cybulski & Kristina Rutkovska: Beyond Devotion
This volume is one of scarce studies of religious literature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conducted by scholars from both Poland and Lithuania. What makes this endeavour important is mainly …
Réka Tímea Újlaki-Nagy: Christians or Jews?
Transylvanian Sabbatarianism emerged from the aspirations of the Reformation, without direct contact with the Jews. Although the most frequently asked question about them concerns their identity – we …
Gianmarco Braghi & Davide Dainese: War and Peace in the Religious Conflicts of the Long Sixteenth Century
This collection of essays seeks to analyse historically these influences, connections, and impact from multiple points of view, such as – but not limited to – the links between war and rebellion, the …
Frank Krauss: allen winkeln auff erden durch so viel bucher furgetragen
Stellt man sich die Frage danach, wie sich das Luthertum unter den Siebenbürger Sachsen gefestigt hat, kommt man um das Massenmedium der Frühen Neuzeit nicht herum. Druckerzeugnisse prägten die Refor …
Tarald Rasmussen & Vegard Ree Ytterbøe: Protestantism and Protestantization
The authors presented in this volume deal with important cases of Protestantization of religion or of debates on religion. One chapter deals with Protestant formatting of contemporary Islam, another …
Herman J. Selderhuis & Günter Frank: Totus noster?
Mit Augustinus steht der wohl gewichtigste Kirchenvater der frühen Kirche im Zentrum des Interesses. Keine Gestalt hatte eine solche Autorität über das ganze Mittelalter, aber auch in der Neuzeit. Di …
Edit Szegedi: Ringen um den einen Gott
Edit Szegedi versucht mit diesem Buch Fragen zu stellen und Klischees zu hinterfragen und erhebt somit nicht den Anspruch einer erschöpfenden Darstellung des Themas, um dadurch zum Nach- und Weiterde …
Kees Teszelszky: The Holy Crown and the Hungarian Estates
This book is about one of the most important elements of the political narratives in the history of Hungary in past and present: the Holy Crown of Hungary. This object is one of the most widely used …
Volker Leppin & Maria Crăciun: Prayer Books and Piety in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe / Gebetbücher und Frömmigkeit in Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit
This collected volume is dedicated to the role of prayer books in lay piety in medieval and early modern contexts. Instead of focusing on individual examples, it places them within the broader genre …
Elisa Frei & Eleonora Rai: Profiling Saints
‘Profiling Saints’ follows and expands the papers presented at the homonym online international conference (December 2021), which focused on cultural, theological, artistic, and social aspects of mod …
Miles Hopgood: How Luther Regards Moses
Though undertreated by modern scholars, Martin Luther’s lectures on Deuteronomy are critical to understanding his theological development as an exegete and also the course of the Reformation in the w …
Nina J. Koefoed & Bo Kristian Holm: Reformation and Everyday Life
The European reformations meant major changes in theology, religion, and everyday life. Some changes were immediate and visible in a number of countries: monasteries were dissolved, new liturgies wer …
Riccarda Suitner: Venice and the Radical Reformation
The Republic of Venice was the only Catholic territory in which an Anabaptist community formed in the 16th century. The history of Venetian Anabaptism, hitherto little known in Reformation Studies, i …
Eike Hinrich Thomsen: Ketzer und Heiliger
Der 1415 auf dem Konstanzer Konzil als Ketzer verbrannte Johannes Hus wurde vor der Reformation gemeinhin als ein Häretiker betrachtet. Mit Luther und der anbrechenden Reformation begann jedoch ein U …
Karla Boersma & Herman J. Selderhuis: Wellbeing in Early Modern Christianity
Today, wellbeing is high on the personal and societal agenda, but thinking about wellbeing certainly is not a new phenomenon. The Greek philosopher Aristotle, for example, came up with the concept of …
Matthew C. Heckel: His Spear Through My Side into Luther
In the Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Calvin claimed full agreement with Luther’s doctrine of the unfree will and divine necessity. Some scholars argue however that Calvin was trying to create t …