The sixth volume of the translation of al-Ṭabarī’s History deals with the ancestors of Muḥammad, with his own early life, and then with his prophetic mission up to the time of his Hijrah or emigration to Medina. The topics covered mean that this volume is of great importance both for the career of Muhammad himself and for the early history of Islam. Al-Ṭabarī was familiar with, and made use of, the main early source of these matters, the Sirah or life of Muḥammad by Ibn Isḥāq, a work which is still extant. Although his own treatment is briefer than that of Ibn Isḥāq, it complements the latter in important ways by making use of other sources. Where Ibn Isḥāq gave only the version of an event which he preferred, al-Ṭabarī includes any variants which he considered of value. Thus he mentions the dispute about the first male to become a muslim–‘Ali or Abū Bakr or Zayd–and has also several variant accounts of the call to hostility toward Muhammad from many of the leading Meccans and their attempts to put pressure on his family to stop his preaching. The negotiations with the men of Medina which eventually led to the Hijrah are fully described, and there is then an account of how Muḥammad escaped an assassination attempt and arrived safely in Medina. A concluding section discusses some chronological questions. This volume does not merely give a straightforward account of the earlier career of Muḥammad and the beginnings of Islam, but also contains valuable source-material not easily accessible otherwise, or not accessible at all.
Table des matières
Translator’s Foreword
The Lineage of the Messenger of God
`Abdallah (His Father)
`Abd al-Muttalib (His Grandfather)
`Abd Manaf
`Adnan’s Descent from Ishmael, Abraham, and Adam
The Account of the Messenger of God and His Life
The Messenger of God Is Recognized by the Monk Bahira
The Messenger of God Is Protected by God from Participating in Pagan Practices
The Prophet’s Marriage to Khadijah
Events of the Life of the Messenger of God
The Rebuilding of the Ka`bah
History of the Ka`bah
The Rebuilding of the Ka`bah (Continued)
The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission
The Day and the Month on Which the Messenger of God Became a Prophet, and the Accounts Concerning This
First Revelation of the Qur’an
Signs of the Approach of Prophethood
Predictions of the Appearance of the Prophet
Proofs of Prophethood
The Manner in Which the Qur’an Was First Revealed
Khadijah the First to Believe in the Messenger of God
The First Rituals of Islam Are Prescribed
The Prophet Ascends to the Seventh Heaven
The First Male to Believe in the Messenger of God
Events of the Life of the Messenger of God (Continued)
The Messenger of God Begins to Preach Openly
Other Events up to the Hijrah
Quraysh Begin to Oppose the Messenger of God
The Emigration to Abyssinia
Quraysh Show Increased Hostility to the Messenger of God
Hamzah Accepts Islam
`Abdallah b. Mas`ud Recites the Qur’an Aloud to Quraysh
Quraysh Boycott the Banu Hashim and the Banual-Muttalib
Quraysh Attempt to Induce the Messenger of God to Cease His Attacks on Their Gods
Satan Casts a False Revelation on the Messenger of God’s Tongue
The Boycott Is Repealed
The Messenger of God Is Subjected to Further Insults
The Deaths of Abu Talib and Khadijah
The Messenger of God Goes to al-Ta’if
The Messenger of God Returns to Mecca
The Messenger of God Preaches to the Arab Tribes
The First Madinans Said to Have Accepted Islam
The First Deputation from al-Madinah
The First Pledge of al-`Aqabah
Islam Begins to Spread in al-Madinah
The Second Pledge of al-`Aqabah
The Messenger of God Commands the Muslims to Emigrate to al-Madinah
The Quraysh Plot to Kill the Messenger of God
The Messenger of God Escapes from the Attempt to Kill Him
The Messenger of God Emigrates to al-Madinah
The Messenger of God Arrives in al-Madinah
The Beginning of the Prophetic Mission (Continued)
The Institution of the Islamic Calendar
The Date of the Institution of the Islamic Era
Reports on This Subject
Summary of Meccan Chronology
Bibliography of Cited Works