The Didache is one of the earliest Christian writings, earlier than most of the documents that make up the New Testament.
It provides practical instructions on how a Christian community should function, and offers unique insights into the way the earliest Christians lived and worshipped.
In this highly readable introduction, Thomas O’Loughlin tells the intriguing story of the Didache, from its discovery in the late nineteenth century to the present. He then provides an illuminating commentary on the entire text, highlighting areas of special interest to Christians today, and ends with a fresh translation of the text itself.
Table des matières
List of illustrations viii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction xiii
1 A chance discovery 1
2 Choosing a way 28
3 Joining the group 46
4 Prayer and fasting 66
5 Meeting and eating 85
6 A network of service 105
7 Fears and hope 129
8 The challenge of the Didache 145
The Teaching of the Lord Given to the Gentiles
by the Twelve Apostles 161
Further reading 172
Index of biblical and ancient texts 179
Index of authors and subjects 182