Many of the great mystics and sages in history have told us that their spiritual realizations began in childhood. Gandhi, Albert Einstein, and Abraham Lincoln are just a few famous figures who have reported these events. Based on more than five years of interviews, this book combines startling firsthand accounts of secret spiritual lives, including recollections from adults who have forgotten or repressed such experiences in childhood. The author explains how parents, educators, and therapists can recognize, identify, and nurture children’s deep spiritual connections. The book is divided into ten chapters treating the phenomena of wisdom, wonder, and visions, including guiding parents along the spiritual path, building a curriculum, and learning from children.
A propos de l’auteur
Tobin Hart is a psychologist and associate professor of psychology at the State University of West Georgia. He is an internationally known expert on the nexus of spirituality, psychology, and education. Hart is also the founder of the Child Spirit Institute, a nonprofit educational and research hub focusing on children’s spirituality. To visit the author’s website go to