The second edition of this popular text has been revised and updated to include the new Professional Standards needed to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Tackling these elusive but fundamental aspects of children′s development, this text places the importance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding in a cross-curricular context. It directly links between children′s attainment and the wider aspects of personal development, beliefs and values, explaining the environment in which learning flourishes and demonstrating how trainees can promote this in their teaching. In addition, it helps enrich the trainee teacher′s experience, laying firm foundations for their continuing professional development.
Table des matières
Why is spiritual, moral, social and cultural development important?
What does spiritual development involve?
What does moral development involve?
What does social development involve?
What does cultural development involve?
How does spiritual, moral, social and cultural development fit in with the rest of children′s learning?
Approaching spiritual, moral, social and cultural development throughout the curriculum
Approaching spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in the classroom
Integrating spiritual, moral, social and cultural development with your own professional development
Creating environments to encourage spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
A propos de l’auteur
Dr Tony Eaude was a teacher and headteacher for over 20 years, working initially in a special school and then in suburban, new town and multi-cultural primary schools. He completed a master′s degree in Educational Research Methodology and a doctorate at the University of Oxford on how teachers of four and five year-old children understand spiritual development. He now works as an independent research consultant, evaluating educational programmes, leading training, supporting teacher research and policy development and writing both for teachers and an academic audience. He teaches part-time in an urban primary school.