Discover expert tips for taking charge of your finances
Want to spend less time doing bookkeeping and more time on your
business? This book shows you how to bill customers, process
payroll, track payments and expenses, and produce financial
reports. Quick Books For Dummies, 2nd Australian Edition, is
a guide for everyone, whether you’re a business owner or an
employee charged with making Quick Books work.
* Create your first company file — set up Quick Books with a
minimum of fuss
* Bill customers with ease — prepare customer invoices,
record sales and pay bills
* Customise templates to suit your business — create
professional forms for maximum impact
* Create your own Profit & Loss reports — take control
of your business finances (as easy as 1, 2, 3 . . .)
* Report for GST — keep tabs on how much GST you owe,
generate Business Activity Statements and lodge online
* Learn about payroll and managing employee pays — master
employee tax, super, leave entitlements and more
* Manage your tax obligations — keep your tax affairs in
tip-top shape so you can sleep easy at night
* Build your confidence — discover how to check your own
work and allocate transactions correctly
Open the book and find:
* Details of all new features in the latest software releases
* Step-by-step instructions for all key activities
* Tips for doing your books faster and smarter
* How to calculate employee payments correctly
* Health-check systems for ensuring accurate accounts
* Techniques for creating standard and custom reports
* Strategies for building business success
Learn to:
* Get Quick Books up and running, the easy way
* Generate customer invoices, record expenses and pay bills
* Become a whiz at payroll
* Prepare your own Business Activity Statements
Table des matières
Introduction 1
Part I: Preparing for the Journey 7
Chapter 1: Hit the Road, Jack! 9
Chapter 2: Lists, Lists and More Lists 29
Part II: Everyday Transactions 53
Chapter 3: Billing Your Customers 55
Chapter 4: Staying in the Black and Getting Paid 83
Chapter 5: Shelling Out the Cash 111
Chapter 6: Keeping Suppliers Sweet 133
Chapter 7: A Balancing Act 157
Chapter 8: Stocking Up 175
Chapter 9: Setting Up Opening Balances 203
Chapter 10: Understanding GST 217
Part III: Digging a Little Deeper 249
Chapter 11: Adapting Quick Books to Fit the Bill 251
Chapter 12: Managing Payroll 271
Chapter 13: Reporting on the Situation 307
Chapter 14: Managing Profit and Growing Your Business 323
Chapter 15: Looking After Your Company File 341
Part IV: The Part of Tens 363
Chapter 16: Ten Tips for Electronic Payments 365
Chapter 17: Ten Tricks for Speed 373
Chapter 18: Ten Tips for Working with Your Accountant 379
Appendix: The Quick Books Family 387
Index 393
A propos de l’auteur
Veechi Curtis is a qualified accountant and consultant who specialises in teaching small businesses about technology and finance. She is the author of several business titles, including Small Business For Dummies, Australian Edition, Bookkeeping For Dummies and MYOB Software For Dummies.